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Ground Blind


I need a little help!

I am looking for some input on ground blinds. What kind of ground blind does everyone use and what do you think of it? I am looking for a new blind for both spring turkey as well as fall deer season (more archery than gun). I would also love to stay in the $100-$200 range (I realize this does limit my options).

Turkey season is just around the corner!
few years ago I made a 10'x10' blind. It looked nice, moving it was another story as I made it out of quarter inch plywood. Works well now that I have it where I want it.
My first choice would be a Double Bull dark horse but they are a little more than you want to spend. $299 you can find them cheaper some places.

I would go with a hub style blind. Primos makes a bunch of them I would look at them and compare the options on them.

I would stay away from velcro on the windows.
I need a little help!

I am looking for some input on ground blinds. What kind of ground blind does everyone use and what do you think of it? I am looking for a new blind for both spring turkey as well as fall deer season (more archery than gun). I would also love to stay in the $100-$200 range (I realize this does limit my options).

Turkey season is just around the corner!

I had the same questions and price limit a few months back. Enough people here convinced me the extra $$ for the Double Bull Darkhorse was worth it. My wife got me one for Christmas. I haven't actually used it yet, but, after learning how to set it up quickly, I can't wait to take it out this spring for turkeys in NM. I'm glad I sought the advice of others on here. I'm sure there willl be others who will tell you to spend the extra $$ if you can and get the DB Darkhorse.
Spend the money and get a double bull now. If you go cheap you will just end up spending more in the long run after you hunt out of your buddies DB. I no this first hand
If your willing to spend $200 for another $40 you could get a DB darkhorse off ebay. Shipped to your door.
I like the Ameristep Tom Taker. I have 3 of them and use them for deer and turkey hunting. I have used ground blinds for years . They are not quiet as big as the other hub style blinds witch I like because I only hunt by myself. But no matter what you buy make sure it is a no shine material.
Spend the money and get a double bull now. If you go cheap you will just end up spending more in the long run after you hunt out of your buddies DB. I no this first hand

Exactly. I got my Matrix when they were nearly $400... $250 for a Dark Horse is a steal, go with a Double Bull!
Sportsman's Guide has a five hub pop-up on sale right now for $80. 71 if you're a member. I bought one and they are great for the money. I archery pretty much exclusively and this blind is perfect and waaaay cheaper than the so called name brands out there.
I'm gonna second the DB option.... I know what it means to have a price limit, but you'll spend far less in the long run. Plus, if you do have something go wrong Primos/DoubleBull will take good care of you, first class customer service. Most of the other options out there won't support you they way they should...

Good luck!
I Have 2 Double Bull Blinds and think they work great.For the money I would look into Rhino ground blinds I hunted out of one last spring for turkeys in South Dakota and loved that it was a hub style blind like DB just as roomy and had better options for setting up windows to shoot out of.I was impressed with the blind for the Money they cost.
In my OPINION...

A double bull is an investment, 18 birds have met their demise in my Matrix and I don't ever plan to get rid of it. If I had a nickle for every time I heard someone say "I got a cheaper hub style blind and it busted 3-4 years later" I'd have about $2.85.

Double Bull is the only way to go even if they're more expensive.
i bought a DB several years ago and it was OK for a couple of years but then the roof started collapsing. I couldn't leave it out because if it rained, the roof would collapse and fill up with water. Very frustrating because I think I payed around $400 for it. I think this was a fluke though. I've never heard of anyone else having this problem.
Depends what type of person you are....let me explain. Do you find yourself breaking things often? Seriously, stop and think about that for a few minutes. Some people are just harder on stuff than others. If you are one of those people, buy a double bull. They are the best out there. Strongest built and one of the best warranties and customer service.

On the other hand, if you are the type of person who is paticular and treats things with care, save the money and buy whatever hub style of blind fits your budget. 10 years ago double bull was light years ahead of their competition! Since then, the competition has closed the gap. Double bull is still better, but not enough to justify the cost in many circumstances. I personally believe they are the right choice for some people, but not most. I've killed a lot of turkeys out of double bull blinds, but I've got a couple of $99 hub style ebay specials, that I've killed a BUNCH of birds out of as well.

10 years ago, I would have said double bull hands down. Now it is more of a whats best for each person. I see the same thing happening with DSD. A couple years ago, no one could compare to them. Others are getting close now. DSD are still the best, but the gap is closing. There will come a time when the cost is hard to justify, even for those of us who always want the best.
Double Bull Darkhorse, don't even think about it, just do it, do it. Read on Archery talk about a guy who bought a primos vision blind. After a year, two rods broke, cost him 90 bucks to replace them. The vision series only has a year warranty and then you are SOL. DB has lifetime warranty and WILL pay for itself.....
Did you try adjusting the hub?

Cooter, I called customer service and they said I needed to send it in to them so they could lengthen the poles in the top section to make it tighter. Before I could get around to shipping it back to them, it accidentally fell out of my tractor bucket and got mowed into 100's of pieces. No way to fix it after that!
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