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Group of shot gunners busted for trespassing.



I was out today checking out some new farms around Westfield Iowa. As I was coming to one farm the sheriff was out there because a group of shot gunners were caught on another farmers land. The fight they had was it wasn't posted no hunting or no trespassing. I have been seeing an ever growing trend of hunters road hunting during shotgun season. I know first hand of a few deer that were taken from triple c Ranch by road hunting. The county CO has been notified and given plate and vehicle information. Anyone else having this problem..
Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid. Most all of us landowners in Iowa have dealt with this at one time or another. We actually had the same argument from a group of about 15 a couple years ago.. We have 20+ "No hunting or trespassing" signs posted on this particular farm, yet we still caught them down in the middle of it. They proceeded to curse us out and lecture us on how it was our fault because we "didn't have signs up". What can you do but laugh at morons like that? Clearly they're aware that it isn't their land, but it doesn't stop them. Our policy now is to not even argue with them, we simply call the authorities and let them handle it.
So according to their way of thinking the next time I am in their town and walk up to their house if there is no no-trespassing sign I can just walk in and help myself.
The trespassing fine needs to be higher. I'd make it 1000 bucks then they would at least no where the heck they were at or go broke. It's a joke right now.........
The trespassing fine needs to be higher. I'd make it 1000 bucks then they would at least no where the heck they were at or go broke. It's a joke right now.........

I agree. For whatever the fine is, I think $60 or so, what stops people from doing it? I would either have the fine extremely high or lower but you lose hunting privileges for a year. That would hurt more than the $$ a lot of times.
I agree. For whatever the fine is, I think $60 or so, what stops people from doing it? I would either have the fine extremely high or lower but you lose hunting privileges for a year. That would hurt more than the $$ a lot of times.
I'm with Liv. It's not the threat of a 60 dollar fine that keeps us on here from trespassing. It's morals and respect. 60 dollars is a drop in the bucket compared to what alot of us spend to hunt if you figure in time, gear, gas, etc. So to punish the low life's who trespass put the fine at a number that will deter some criminals. The loss of licenses might deter some but other would continue to hunt and just break another law. If I were a trespasser I'd be thinking "well the chances of me getting caught are slim to none, and even if I do get caught it's only a 60 dollar fine. I think I'll sneak in there anyway".
They could be non residents. I know it's up to the Hunter to read and know the laws of where they hunt but, too many people rely on word of mouth, whether it's right or wrong. I lived in ND for 9 years. If the land wasn't posted, legally you could hunt it. I agree with the above though, increase the fine. $1000 will get someone's attention!
So according to their way of thinking the next time I am in their town and walk up to their house if there is no no-trespassing sign I can just walk in and help myself.

That sound like it should fly but unfortunately they can shoot you dead on that violation. :(
They could be non residents. I know it's up to the Hunter to read and know the laws of where they hunt but, too many people rely on word of mouth, whether it's right or wrong. I lived in ND for 9 years. If the land wasn't posted, legally you could hunt it. I agree with the above though, increase the fine. $1000 will get someone's attention!

When I hunted northern MN many years ago, they had the law that stated it must be posted every so many feet or you could hunt it.

But when I go out of state, I read the regs because NR's usually get very little leniency from the CO's based on "I didn't know......"

I posted bout this a couple days ago, Couple groups in the Lovilla area are just the worse bout this. Honestly, it should be jailable sentence. There is no deterent now. Warning,fine then jail. And to be completely honest about this, the co's are largely at fault. They know all about the Klobnaks and Pettijohns They need to follow them, make there presence known, check them, watch from afar. I will bet after a year or 2 these criminals will get the message we are tired of their bullshit. common sense needs to prevail here and everywhere for that matter.
Take their guns,trucks,deer,licenses, and hunting priveledges. Maybe then they will get the message.
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Agree with everyone saying the fines should be higher. Christmas did come early for me and my partner though, found two deer stands that are not ours out on our land. Merry Christmas to me!! I know have two more stands than I did a week ago. Thank you trespassers!!
Less than 5% of Iowa deer hunters are non-residents. Most of us that travel to Iowa to hunt deer, do so because we love to hunt your quality deer herd, and respect your laws. I'm sure there are a few bad apples that abuse the privilege, but 99% of us are not your worries.
I hate the fact that alot of people jump to the conclusion that it has to be NR, when I duck hunted North Dakota a few years back we heard about the law if it is not posted you could go ahead and hunt it, we still stopped at farm houses and asked permission and we had one lady say I can tell you guys must be from out of state because you took the time to stop and ask when the biggest tresspasers they have are the locals
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