Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



PMA Member
How many use a grunt call when no deer are within sight? Or do you use it only when you see a buck.

Yesterday I finally sprung for a Buck Roar. I used it a couple times when I didn't see any deer with no results. I chalked it up to nothing close enough to hear it. But I used it also on a 130 inch 8 pointer in sight. Before I even finished a sequence he was coming in hard from 150 yards. I like my True Talker but the Buck Roar sounds pretty darn good too.
I only use it when there is a buck in sight. This way I can watch his reaction. I think calling will put the buck on alert mode. If you can't see him he may spot you first. I would think if you are very still in the stand you might be alright to call blind, but I get fidgety sometimes so I don't.
It all depends I guess. I've used it blind calling but I don't think I've ever had a deer come in. Sometimes I will grunt a few times while rattling.

Normally I will grunt when a buck is in sight. That way I can watch his reaction and go from there. Every situation is different but I love that call.
I "Blind Call" all the time and get great results. just because you dont see a deer, doesnt mean he isnt near buy, and a grunt just might arouse his curiousity enough to show himself!

same with rattling, i take careful inspection making sure no deer are visable, i start out quiet and hope that encourages close deer to appear before i get crazy.

keep using that grunt/growl call, one of the most productive calls on the market right now! sometimes they dont respond, but when they do, make sure you are strapped in!

I have had good results with blind calling with the Buck Roar as well. There is a very good article in the newest NAW magazine about calling mature bucks during the breeding season, check it out if you get a chance.
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