New Member
Let me throw this one out….and watch the bullets fly from both sides. Guys, no death threats please…..
I keep hearing the groaning about increasing numbers of NR hunters. NR landowners are incensed about not getting a buck tag to hunt their land. The DNR says they don’t have any money. They say deer numbers are too high (I disagree for the most part). The insurance companies want to kill em all. It seems no one is happy. As a NR landowner, I know the system as it stands now will not prevail. Eventually, the courts will decide how to handle this. If I lived in Iowa I would try to circumvent this before the unthinkable occurs, and the courts totally lift the cap on NR licenses. If I only hunted my land once every three years, I wouldn’t be for opening it up completely, if I were, I would have bought land in Missouri. You need the NR landowners on your side to keep a court case from deciding how your licenses are distributed. My proposal is simple:
Make a guaranteed tag available to a NR landowner if they own 40 or more acres.
Price this tag at $1000 (included a “free†doe tag)
I think this will fix most of the NR landowner dilemma. It will accomplish many things:
· The DNR budget situation will improve at no cost to residents
· Participation will be low enough to barely affect hunting pressure
· Participation will be low enough to barely affect land values
· This tag applies to land owned by the NR only, not leased land, therefore not increasing the demand for leased property.
· You take away the NR argument that I cant get a tag to hunt my land
· It will encourage the NR to be present on the land and take a doe
· Make the doe tag for a doe only, no extra buck, via party hunt or any other method
· This would give enforcement more teeth, no whining in court about “I did it because I cant get a tag for my landâ€.
· The NR doesn’t have to pay the $1000 for a tag, he can still apply in the general draw if he so chooses
Now before you beat me up over this and tell me how it is making it a rich mans sport and etc, consider the fact that it is already all about the money anyway. Don’t take my word for it, ask your legislator or the DNR. Anyone who can afford 40 acres for $60k plus shouldn’t fuss too much about a $1000 license. I am not keen about paying that much for a tag, but I would to hunt my land. It would benefit the locals greatly, and it wont hurt me to put something back in for them.
Ok, let the bullets fly………….
I keep hearing the groaning about increasing numbers of NR hunters. NR landowners are incensed about not getting a buck tag to hunt their land. The DNR says they don’t have any money. They say deer numbers are too high (I disagree for the most part). The insurance companies want to kill em all. It seems no one is happy. As a NR landowner, I know the system as it stands now will not prevail. Eventually, the courts will decide how to handle this. If I lived in Iowa I would try to circumvent this before the unthinkable occurs, and the courts totally lift the cap on NR licenses. If I only hunted my land once every three years, I wouldn’t be for opening it up completely, if I were, I would have bought land in Missouri. You need the NR landowners on your side to keep a court case from deciding how your licenses are distributed. My proposal is simple:
Make a guaranteed tag available to a NR landowner if they own 40 or more acres.
Price this tag at $1000 (included a “free†doe tag)
I think this will fix most of the NR landowner dilemma. It will accomplish many things:
· The DNR budget situation will improve at no cost to residents
· Participation will be low enough to barely affect hunting pressure
· Participation will be low enough to barely affect land values
· This tag applies to land owned by the NR only, not leased land, therefore not increasing the demand for leased property.
· You take away the NR argument that I cant get a tag to hunt my land
· It will encourage the NR to be present on the land and take a doe
· Make the doe tag for a doe only, no extra buck, via party hunt or any other method
· This would give enforcement more teeth, no whining in court about “I did it because I cant get a tag for my landâ€.
· The NR doesn’t have to pay the $1000 for a tag, he can still apply in the general draw if he so chooses
Now before you beat me up over this and tell me how it is making it a rich mans sport and etc, consider the fact that it is already all about the money anyway. Don’t take my word for it, ask your legislator or the DNR. Anyone who can afford 40 acres for $60k plus shouldn’t fuss too much about a $1000 license. I am not keen about paying that much for a tag, but I would to hunt my land. It would benefit the locals greatly, and it wont hurt me to put something back in for them.
Ok, let the bullets fly………….