Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Guaranteed NR Landowner Tag


We're already home! Want to help us with our deer problem? How about we slap a $20 HUSH fee on all NR licenses sold (with no increase in the number of licenses) and expand the HUSH program statewide. Iowa's resident hunters will take care of harvesting does.

And if CWD hits (God forbid), pharmer can get his overpriced hunting ground for a song.
Here is what I see happining.
More NR anysex tags will lead to more outfitting and leasing. Lets say you own a nice 700 acers. Adjacent to you is another nice 500 ac tract that an outfitter just bought/leased. His goal is to make money. The way he does that is to push as many people thru as possible and could care less if they shoot a deer or not. Each hunter gets a week and pays $2500. Lets assume in a good year he has 10 hunters that hunt that farm. Sounds like a lot, but it can happen with bow and gun tags. The success rate will not be 100% but I bet it will be above 50%. And I bet that their not just gonna shoot 160 inch deer. No this trips costing them $3000 or better their gonna at least get a deer even if its a 120 incher.
So its a couple years down the road, and you start asking yourself, man I just dont see the number of bucks like I use to see. The doe population is also still way to high. I wonder why that is?

Am I paronoid? No, just relistic. This can and will happen. Just ask anybody from accross the river in IL.
I am also very concerned for the welfare of the iowa deer herd. If the state of Iowa would give or let the NR landowners buy one tag what would that do to help the deer population in Iowa?? Come on!!! You cant be serious? Maybe lowering the cost of the doe tags or maybe allowing the 6000 non residents to shoot a doe with the 400 dollar license would help but even that isnt going to make a dent .It might keep them from shooting a lesser buck as they will have something for the expense and time they have invested ?? Giving probably a thousand or less Nrlandowners a tag isnt going to do anything to help THE FOLLOWING
1. the resident hunters
2 the resident farmers
3 the local tax base
4 the typical Nr hunter
5 the person who would like to be elected to office in the state of Iowa
6 the deer herd

By the way I do have one point and am hoping I can get a license this year
ANYONE NEED HELP WITH THE DEER POPULATION email me at www.itoamconcernedforthewelfareoftheiowadeerherd.com .......treetop
I agree with everything that Avidhunter has posted above as this is how I see deer hunting here in Illinois. Although Illinois produces some world class whitetails....the doe population is out of control in some areas. It is estimated at anywhere from 80-120 deer per square mile in the outfitted areas of Pike County. I think it will only get worse here as IL spirals downhill as more NR move in to buy ground....IL will be a big state full of doe refuges. It is practically there now. Just read avidhunter's post above Deerslayer_37...if it does not make sence, read it again or get somebody to help you read it. IA residents do not want thier state to turn into another Illinois
I think you are missing the point. We as serious hunter recognize that there are some deer that need to be harvested.
We just don't need your help doing it.
We will do just fine without opening up the flood gates to produce another Illinois. Resident hunters purchased 46,000 more antlerless tags last year and we are on the right path. If you get asked a valid question do you not ever try to answer it. Is it that maybe you can't answer it and continue to come up with the same old excuses. I would say it is a safe bet that I have spent more time in the woods than you have based on the fact that I am probly twice as old as you are. And by the way when the 20 acres of corn was planted did you think that the deer were going to leave it alone. Is not anyone in your area harvesting does. Residents will continue to help to legislate what we feel is in our "own" best interest. Don't worry about our problem. Let us worry about it. If you want to hunt here every year, when you get out of school, move to Iowa and help with the issue instead of being part of a problem issue we do not want to deal with in the future. What would that problem be you ask? Read some of the posts on this issue and that question will be answered.


I'm not trying to bite your head off, just trying to rationalize thoughts and ideas. Let's first define a deer problem, I've never seen a place with a 9:1 buck to doe ratio, let me ask you have you ever seen a field with a hundred deer in it consisting of 90 bucks and 10 does? I know the answer to your question is no, but I would bet every penny I have that, you have seen a 9:1 doe to buck ratio, so 90 does and 10 bucks out in a field. So therefore we do not have a deer problem we have a doe problem in certain areas.

Now let's think rationally, lets say a nonresident a 1000 miles can come here and hunt a doe for resident fees a mere 26 dollars for the first doe and 11 dollars for each additional doe. However, the nonresident doesn't have any chance at shooting a buck, I want to know your honest opinion, will he come here and hunt at that price for a doe? A fact I do know, is he is not gonna come here just to get extra deer meat, I do not know of a state where a person cannot shoot a deer for the sole purpose of providing meat for the table. If you answered yes he would come, I guess our deer meat must taste alot better than other states. If a person is traveling from state to state, they really don't care about the meat, however a BIG RACK would be something to take home. I mean you can shoot a deer for meat way cheaper at your home state than you can here, I don't blame people for not coming, i sure the heck wouldn't. I really don't think most nonresidents come here with the sole purpose to help manage iowa's deer herd.

Another question I would like to ask is, are you really a hunter? May be kind of a silly question because i Know you are. However, you state seeing 100 deer in a field during a time when deer come for miles to congregate into big herds. If you are truly a hunter you would recognize this fact. Let me ask you this, I drive around every night looking at deer, I know what you see. This is what you do not see, you do not see a 100 deer in every field you drive by. In fact, most likely you see a hundred deer in one field, and slim pickings on deer sightings in the next few miles where you will run into another big group, and a few more miles of deadness. Now if you were to drive around in the summer, you would not see a 100 deer out in one field, you would see more than likely a 100 deer spread sporadically for the few miles, that you didn't see the deer during the winter. Think of it as shed hunting, where do you find all the sheds? Where they are all grouped up from the winter, each farm is not gonna have sheds on them, and you will notice that if you shed hunt often. If you do see a 100 deer in every adjoining field nonstop for many miles, yes we have a deer problem then.

Now let's think of that 100 deer that is grouped up in the winter. In the next few months that herd will break up dramatically and spread over miles of ground and many different landowners that will shoot them. If the deer get pressured alot, they will find areas, such as your place where hunting pressure is minimal and they generally feel safe. This will create a doe problem on your farm. You own 700 acres, most likely that farm should have at least 40 does a year shot off it to prevent the 80-120 does that would be there the next year. This creates your so called deer problem, because I highly doubt that even with the people you do have hunting it, they don't harvest that many deer to keep that property well managed.

Lastly, if you ever want to come up my way, I will prove to you that the whole state of iowa does not have a deer problem. WE will drive around 40 miles of endless timber and maybe see a 150 deer, in fact I know what we will see, I see them every night. There are 2 big groups of about 50 deer, one group of around 25 and a few small groups of 3 or 4 inbetween those groups. That's rougly 3.75 deer per square mile, sounds like a problem to me
If what you are stating is true, I should see around 4000 deer on a 40 mile drive. AGAIN, if you are really really dying to prove me wrong, email me at Mowens@iastate.edu, and I will come up around August and we will drive around and if you can show me one field with a 100 deer in it (that is not your place) and residents hunt it every year, I will buy you dinner
Thanks for reading this

Threebeards- Thanks for the plug! No one has offered up any of that devalued land yet, must be going to wait til the dust settles on the tag dispute.
Is someone a "hunter" if they aren't interested in the health of the herd or the land? I'd submit that they are a "killer" or a "shooter" if they aren't concerned with anything but unlimited access to "any-sex tags".
Deerslayer, could you please put your name and address on your previous post so I can copy it and send it to our legislators. Nothing better than cold hard facts coming from a NR such as yourself to prove that you won't help in the control of the deer herd. Thanks.
Pharmer, is your land worth MORE or LESS without the rights? If YOU cannot hunt YOUR land next year, wouldnt you agree that it is worth less money? If NO ONE can hunt your land next year, would it then be worth less money? Yes, yes, yes.....Every right you give up on property, devalues that property. That is all the fear preached on hear, if we increase tags, land prices will go UP! Sure they will some.. the market will set the value. Suppressing the use of the land decreases the value. I couldnt have said it better than you guys say it over and over.
If you walk 40 acres and bump 60 deer on your ground, your style of managment is obviously not working and we dont need YOUR help!
I don't think not using the land supresses the value. I almost started to laugh at that thought. As a matter of fact all the hardwoods I have in my timber just keep making me money as they continue to grow, especially the walnuts if I ever decided to sell them.
I know for a fact that when I purchased my 300 acres of which almost 200 is timber that the value has not been suppressed. Would you pay me more than the 700 dollars an acre that I paid for it in 2001. Not for sale! There is a waiting line though and some have offered me close to the 2000 range. Not gonna happen. Being that I use it only a few times a year the value has steadly decreased==oops I mean increased the last four years.

I guess it is how you interpret the word value.

180bc- you miss MY point. I am a resident here, I can hunt the land I own every year for a small fee. No one is going to devalue that. Non-residents are welcome to hunt in Iowa under the terms that most on this site are happy with because the system works. I don't feel that non-residents are entitled to the same treatment as residents because you DON'T live here. So if you feel so deprived and feel that the land is only worth it's most to you if you can hunt it every year- tough. It must be devalued to you then so fix a percentage to that and devalue it. Just ask that lower price when you want to sell. Otherwise it isn't really devalued is it? YOUR investment is appreciating every year- real estate is about the only investment that works for you 24/7. Oh yeah, almost forgot- what other investment is going to give you as much satisfaction?
Pharmer....I think we are saying mostly the same thing. I will in fact sell it at the lowered price....THE MARKET WILL SEE TO IT. That is my point. I do feel that its maximum value is if I am free to hunt every year and as you say "tough". I cant do a thing about it. Im not fussing about the investment, just making the point that Iowa policy not only hurts the NR landowner from a hunting standpoint, but an investment standpoint as well. I am a surveyor and farmer by trade. We have property rights stripped from us every day, by the state, feds, zoning and environmental policies. The government has put my tobacco farming out of business. I am just saying, be careful when you support government policy that infringes on private property rights. It might be YOUR rights taken away next time.
It makes no sense to buy a wrecked car and then complain the next day because you cant drive it and that its not worth as much to you as a new one.

See any similarities here?
I'm sorry but I just can't follow your logic about you land values. If you bought this land a few years back you probaly paid less than $1000. an acre. If you sold it today it would bring well over that if the hunting is as good as you alude to. The next buyer might not care anything about hunting but I'm sure you would not sell to him for less than you paid or someone else would pay. I think exactlly the opposit has happened, rather than the resident hunter driving down the value of land for the Nonresident, I think the NR has driven up the value of land for the residents. Which means that because you may live and work in an area paying higher wages and a higher standard of living you are able to come into Iowa and pay higher prices for land than we can there by raising the value of land.

I also still have a hard time with some of the NR definition of hunting. I have said it before that you can hunt your land as much as you like unless your only defination of hunting is hunting" big bucks". If that is the case you are really missing out on a wonderful world by being so fixated.

Lastly I would ask about your comment that the government ruining your tobacco farm. As my failing memory serves me the only reason the tabacco industry has survived this ling is through government subsidies and support. Not only that but your product is the single largest contributer to our huge medical insurance and care costs. This means that not only do I have to support your tobacco farm with my tax dollars, but I must pay huge health insurance preminums to help cover treatment to those who suffer smoking related problems even though I have never smoked. Now tell us how unfair our lincense policy is!
Just a thought to all that read this post. There have been about 95 post in regards to this issue. Alot of the post's including the ones that I have responded to was to give some thought to how we feel about the subject. There has been some discussion on both sides. Mostly the post's lately have not had much impact or value on those who they are directed at. Mine included. I feel do to my strong feelings on the issue we keep getting dragged into responses that serve no purpose because we can see that they are not producing any healthy conversation. The responses are starting to become rhetoric, including mine. We all have a right to an opinion for sure but now it seems like we are trying to drive a point home that is going no where. I for one think we need to move on to another healthy subject and let this one die!!!!
What happens will happen. Let's talk turkey!! LOL

Good call Trper, I quit replying awhile ago, Im sick of this subject, of course ive been arguing the same thing on 3 sites and cant remember what I posted where anymore, think Im getting old or something
Pharmer, Trper, you are exactly right, we are really running rabbits and its time to do something constructive. I will try to answer the question about land values in simple terms. Trper, you mention your land that was worth $700 and now may be worth $2000. Try to make this a yes or no answer and maybe you will see my point..... Do you think it would be worth more if there were not a cap on NR tags in Iowa???? If you answered yes, I rest my case on that point. I will follow up by saying I hope they NEVER lift the cap on NR tags in Iowa. That would help my investment, at least in the short term, but would be detrimental to the hunting in the long term. A NR is one thing in the draw. A NR landowner is something else. Until the IBA and others recognize this, there will be friction. The NR landowner is perhaps the number one reason the B&C population and number of quality deer in Iowa has been on such a sharp increase in recent history. We as landowners are largely there practicing QDM. Our neighbors reap the benefits of our actions. We have a 150" minimum on bucks on our farms. We kill lots of does. We dont trespass. We dont shoot small bucks. We are the ideal neighbor, and all the locals want to hunt around our land. We let some of them hunt our land as a part of our QDM program. We are not the SOB's you think we are for the most part. A NR IS NOT A NR. A landowner is different. Certain rights come with land ownership. Unless I woke up in Russia this morning, I should have the same rights of use of land I own as any other landowner. If you want a draw for landowners, fine, put all Iowa landowners in the same draw. Fair if fair. I know some on this site dont see it that way, for your own reasons, but every person I have discussed this with in Iowa agrees with me on this point. Most are appaled to learn we cant get a buck tag for our land. I didnt mean to offend anyone by offering a mere SUGGESTION as a POSSIBLE solution.
180, you said everything great IMHO. i guess i was too frustrated and it came out all psychotic and heartless. Landowners in almost every state, resident or non resident, have some kind of preference in lottery tag allotment systems. this is the way it should be. the IBA is just rabid in its arguments. they dont look at the facts, they just think that all NR's are rich fat sleazy land buying hucksters that want nothing but for there to be no land for IA residents to hunt on. Our neighbors have reaped the benefits of our year round food plots and QDM also. We have deer flood in from the no hunting federal ground as well as the neighbors land when we have the only standing corn. we own almost all the big oak trees in the area which draw the deer in. the hunting has gotten better the last 10 years. our neighbor shot a 196" 11 point this year which i think is the result of the QDM efforts. the neighbors really dont care to shoot does. we shot all we had tags for last year that doesn't even scratch the paint. I think NR landowners as a whole have improved habitat and the overall structure of the deer herd. until the iowa legislature, IBA, and iowans as a whole acknowledge this, this debate isn't going to end.
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