Guess the Age?


What do you guys think his age is?
Nice try but you didn't blur out enough. Antler base sure looks like what I would expect on a yearling. A well fed summer yearling.
Nice try but you didn't blur out enough. Antler base sure looks like what I would expect on a yearling. A well fed summer yearling.

I think what you are seeing may the end of a tine, perhaps a droptine. But I am not certain about that. I say 3.5.
Deer Dr Dear,

Bucks bodys grow with age and as they ma tour. That deer looks to me like a 2 year old to me. That angle is decieving, and your attempt to make the rack appear larger was a good one. He may olny be one, but I'd like to believe you wouldnt waste our time with that.
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