OK guys, I'll give you a target...go ahead and pile on.
I didn't vote for Trump...Hillary either. And yes, I did vote. I just couldn't hold my nose tight enough to pull the lever for either one. I'm a lifelong conservative Republican, and I know I wasn't alone in feeling this way. Trump mobilized an entirely new block of voters, but the reason this election was even close (and he lost the popular vote) is because he lost a significant portion of his base...people just like me who couldn't stand the filth that came from his mouth on an all-too-regular basis. I'm entertained by all those who say we need to "drain the swamp" and get rid of the career politicians. Let's ride the wave of political outsiders taking over. In what other business or industry would a complete lack of experience be considered an asset? Hope you're not headed in for open heart surgery

I'm not saying politicians should be lifers, but surely having and understanding of, and connections within, the political machinery has to help to some degree. A couple of weeks ago I was visiting with a foreign exchange student in our community and I asked him for his perspective on our election. Without hesitation he said "I can't believe in a great country like America that these are the two people you have to choose from." Nailed it!
Nonetheless, in a couple of months Trump will be my President, and as such, I am praying for him daily. As long as he is reasonable and rational he will have my support. These people who are protesting in the streets are idiots...get over yourselves! I just sincerely hope that Trump the President is a very different person than Trump the candidate. Just my 2 cents.