The Silence
PMA Member
Saw lots of bucks and rut action yesterday for the first time this year. Great time to be in a tree stand. Then.. I hear this loud ruckus going on behind me at about 60-70 yards as the light was fading. At first I thought it was a buck running around with a doe, but when I turned around I could make out at least one deer that was in some kind of struggle. I thought, 2 bucks are fighting! I'd never witnessed that before. I got my bow in shooting position, so when the fight was over and if they were to go past my stand I'd get a shot. All of a sudden, the doe took off to the south, running at full speed---with at least 2 coyotes on her heels!!!! This was not a small fawn, but it was too dark for me to tell how old she was. I'd heard about this type of thing happening during times of deeper snow, but at this time of year? Have you guys ever seen this happening before? My buddy and I are the only ones bow hunting this area of the property at this time of year and the doe didn't act wounded at all when she bolted.