Halloween Harvest


New Member
My halloween wish was granted yesterday at around 5:00 when this guy responded to some light rattling combined with some soft grunts and the use of "the can". He was upwind of me the whole time, which was perfect because I had sweated my tail off with a 400+ yard walk into my setup carrying my lone wolf and climbing sticks plus everything else I somehow talk my self into needing in the stand. Plus it was a good 65 degrees on the way in. He came straight in to about 5 yards and after a few minutes of searching he started to get the feeling something wasn't right. He wheeled around and got out to 25 yds and was going to cross a shooting lane broadside. I usually won't try to stop a buck by himself, but this guy obviously was on to me, and it was now or never. I gave a grunt with my mouth and he paused long enough for me to get one in him. The shot was not my best(high and back). I had great blood for 100 yds, spotty for the next 50 yds. He then crossed a dry creek bottom and left a pool of blood behind. I climbed the bank on the other side and there he was on the edge of the cornfield. Thank you God! One down, one to go, and 13 more vacation days to get it done!
Awesome mature whitetail. Great harvest pic too, good luck on the rest of your season. You are off to a great start!!
I knew there would be a couple of bucks taken on halloween night. I sure wish I could have made it out. Congrats on the harvest.
Haha way to go. Leave those for us. Go hunt somewhere else. haha