I climbed into the stand a little before 3:30, and right away had a doe run by with a fork horn on her trail. I had sat this spot 5 times in 8 days, with good deer movement every time. It's just a little pinch point that works for catching deer on their way to food in the evening or morning on the way to bed. I was watching the weather on my phone as the hunt was going on, and I noticed the pressure was dropping extremely low which I thought could get the deer on their feet considering how much it changed in just 24 hours. At 5:10 two does came out 100 yards away and ran right by the tree and crossed the creek I was setup on 23 yards away. I could tell they were being chased, so I stood up and grabbed my bow. A few minutes went by and I was about to sit back down when I heard a deep grunt in the woods where the does came from. Out stepped the buck on the same trail the does were on, he worked a scrape and then ran across the field towards me. He stopped behind some brush at 30 yards and worked another scrape before continuing on the trail, no need to range as the does had taken the same trail. I drew back and stopped him, well he stopped with a tree blocking the front part of his vitals but he was slightly angled away to where I felt comfortable taking the shot. I was trying to squeeze the shot in his back right lung and into his left lung, well the shot was just a touch back and I ended up getting liver and left lung. The arrow hit a rib on his left side and stopped, I lost sight of him right away as he was running through thick cover. Knowing where my shot was, I backed out and came back 2 hours later to track him. Right away had good blood but was quickly slowing. After 100 yards from the shot he quit bleeding but was able to find a couple pieces of grass 20 yards away where he rubbed up against leaving blood. This gave a general idea of his direction but he was going into 6 foot switch grass. Me and a buddy searched the grass for thirty minutes with no sight of him or blood. Just as we were about to call it quits my buddy found a blood filled bed and not 10 yards away he laid dead. We both walked within 15 yards of him several times but with the grass being so tall we couldn't find him. The arrow was still stuck in his side, and he only made it 150 yards from the shot but it took us an hour and a half to find him. I had run a camera over the scrapes in this pinch for a couple weeks and not one picture of this buck. Goes to show when things are getting good, you never know what might show up.