Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Hammer Time


Great advertisement for Double Bull Blinds...

"Not even Jennifer Love Hewitt can see a GHOST if He's hiding in a Matrix!!
Re: Hammer Time + (The Story)

It was crystal clear on the walk to the blind. The moon was quarter full with plenty of light and the stars filled the sky. No need for an artificial light, as my walk was down a very familar logging road that I have walked down many Springs before.

My final appoach to the blind is heal/toe and silent as I know that birds could be roosted near by. With an early arrival I have plenty of time to set the decoys and prep the blind for my anticipated shot.

The morning starts with a half blown gobble that sounds like a jake. "Oh, he isn't quite warmed up yet!" I am still zipping up the blind and it is still pitch black out when this young lad sounds off.

Regardless of the robustness of his gobble, it feels great to be in the Spring timber, and to hear the first morning silence broken.

I settle into the blind,... set up my tri-pod chair, pull out the calls, sip on the last of my coffee from the walk in, and take a fresh dip of Cope.

The gobbles start to increase as more Tom's greet the morning. You can tell that some are mature/confident gobblers that don't need to sound off as often. Then there are those youngsters that need to tell every girl in the neighborhood that they are ready to drop from the tree at first glimpse and get busy in the leaves.

Several hens start to join in as I do soft tree clucks and soft yelps. "Oh great", I think, just more of the real deal to compete with this morning.

Fly down is usually preceeded with a 5 to 10 minute period of total silence. The hens are making their way to the Toms as nature intended, and the Toms are just taking a break, watching for the first hot chick to fly down to.

The Tom I was after flew down and set up to strutt for the girls, about 45 to 50 yards up the ridge from my blind.

This started a two hour stand off, with him being just as stuborn as I had to be,... stuck in a blind. I watched as he set up his strutt zone for the girls. Back and forth, and back and forth, for the next two hours. I could tell you where he was going to turn and go the other way. All the time I had high hopes that the next time he would take that extra step and head toward my set up.

The whole time we were talking sweet to each other trying to set up a get together. It just wasn't working for me....."What can I do?"

Silence and patience I thought. He will get pissed just like any other man that is getting ignored at 2:00 in the morning at a bar, and have to come in for a more aggressive approach.

Well, in this case it worked. After ten minutes, he strutted the extra distance to check things out.

Wish I would have had a camera rolling when he made the final approach. The sun was shinning off his feathers and he was really looking good until the hammerhead took the fun clean out of his date.

Re: Hammer Time + (The Story)

Thanks for sharing the story Ghost. Sounded like a great morning to be alive.
Re: Hammer Time + (The Story)

Congrats Kent on a dandy. The silent treatment doesn't work everytime, but when it does you feel great.
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