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Handgun for deer


Active Member
I'm hunting a new area this year and moved my blind there permanently. I don't have the wide open space like before and out one side of the blind it's about 50 yards to the edge of the tree line. Couple times during hunts I've noticed the deer will come out of the tree line and it just won't work to get the ML up, so thinking about a handgun. Some of you guys who use handguns, what's some of your favorite calibers? I'll be sticking with a pistol and it doesn't have to be a double action and not looking at the top of the line out of my price range type pistol either.
I asked my lgs guy, “I have a Ruger Security Six .357 mag I’d like to carry during deer season. Shots under 50 yards. What ammo do you suggest?”

He answered, “If I was going to shoot a deer with a .357 mag, I’d get a .44 mag”

I’ve carried it, but never shot a deer with the .357. Some day I’d like a Blackhawk in .44 mag but there are other priorities...

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44 mag is what I'm thinking since it's popular and a lot of different models and ammunition available. Was hoping for information on something in the middle of the road make and model.
Best bang for the buck is the Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter - 7.5" SS revolver
- comes with scope rings which makes is so much cheaper and easier to add a scope if you ever decide to than having to buy a special base for a revolver.
- about $750
- we sell enough of them every year that i try to keep one in stock
- extremely accurate and well built (I'd avoid the cheap foreign 44 revolvers - there IS a difference)
Thanks. Was hoping to find something and try and work a deal on trading my Ruger SR40 bi tone for something.
I've taken two deer with a .357 mag. Both shot in the neck, one at 70 yds and the other at 20ish, and both dropped right there. Gun reportedly put one down at around 130 as well.
Go big or go home. I finished my buck off last year with this and it worked GREAT.View attachment 117565

Agree with that!! This is a great all around gun.... enough for deer and a great conceal carry gun. Versatile.

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Agree with that!! This is a great all around gun.... enough for deer and a great conceal carry gun. Versatile.

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Really had one pictured just a little smaller than this one. I think I'd need a bigger blind.
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