Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Happy Birthday to


Well-Known Member
Muddy! Have a good one!

I should have looked at the entrance to include Fulldrw and ScottIC! I wish you all a great day.
So you guys beat Darwin for another year huh?

The 'Bonker

[/ QUOTE ]

Rather than reply in words Mr. Tom, let me borrow an image from Limb.

I resemble that remark.

And to think that was Muddies 5000th post.

I may cheat Darwin, but I do it with class and style, baby. (insert farting, belching, belly button picking graemlin here)

The 'Bonker
Happy B-Day fellas, hope you have a good one. Muddy, maybe we can fill that turkey tag later with the stick and string you might have the turkey gods on your side today.
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