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Harvested shed bucks

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: big+tall+mass</div><div class="ubbcode-body">no, shed antler bucks count as "antlerless" deer...an antlerless deer is defined as - a deer with no forked antler - 'thats coming straight from the 2007/08 Hunting and Trapping Regulations from the Iowa DNR.....so in that case anyone could shoot a two-pointer and slap and "antlerless" tag on it. </div></div>

I was talking abount antlered deer during late doe season not "shed bucks" with an antlerless tag
SWBUCKHNTR, I think that he is trying to say that a spike can be shot on an antlerless tag as long as there is no visible fork in the antler. Therefore, they could be registered as an antlered buck when calling the deer in. However, I don't think that an antlered buck should be registered on an anterless tag because technically the DNR is calling a spike an antlerless deer by their definition. I'm sure that some people shoot spikes on accident or just to get the tag filled up and then register them as an antlered deer during the late antlerless season.
268 now. Sure are alot of shed bucks being shot! Also 11500 or so button bucks that is way to many.
If you are paticipating in the antlerless seasons or just filling antlerless tags during shotgun season please take a pair of binos and make sure your target is a doe. Try to shoot only adult does then you wont shoot a button buck on accident.If you are shooting an adult doe use your binos to make sure its not a shed buck.
The buck I shot this year, had huge wax circles around his bases like he was getting ready to shed. My dads, didnt have anything around them. One of the weirdest things I have seen..
my buddy shot a shed buck this past weekend, 2nd shotgun season. Was a 1.5 yr old, he thought it was a doe, typical shed buck story. Had a swollen leg, probably car accident causing it to shed early.
Make sure you are aware of your target these later seasons.
Cousin had a group of does and bucks come in Sunday. Picked out what he thought was two mature doesand dropped both.
Well come to find out one of those does was a shed buck.

Nothing a person can really do just be as careful as you can.
Walked around my dads timber yesterday afternoon trying to move him some deer. He shot the biggest buck of the 10 he saw, it was laying dead about 60 yds. from where he shot it. As we started walking towards it I asked him if he shot a doe???? The antlers were laying about 10 feet from where it piled up. I've heard of this happening but the first time I've ever seen it. I guess he's got a nice 150" set of rattling antlers now! There was no injury to the deer when we skinned it last night, I suppose the stress of the snow and ice will have them dropping early this year.
You hear of a few dropping early every year, usually due to injury, but my buddy from work shot a freak nasty non typical saturday with no injuries and his antlers popped off when it hit the ground. I'll try to get him to post pics of the sheds. They are cool!
Know a guy who had one pop off during first gun season, dropped the head on the ground when loading it and sure enough it popped off just like a shed. I couldn't believe it when I saw it, I am guessing that these are the majority of the shed bucks being reported.

Willie Suchy told me the earliest he has seen is just recently,
the last week of November! he told me it was a healthy deer with no sign of injury, prior to getting shot....

its the same thing every year, always a few that go early, but i still feel the majority will drop between Feb and March...
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gundog870</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i either saw a shed buck two nights ago. or a 200 pound doe, is that even possible.. </div></div>

oh yea!! i shot two of them last night!!! well the first one might have been a bit under but 2 but the second one deffinately was 200. she was a horse!!! got the first with a shotgun at 60 yards to drop her and then the rest just kinda stood around and walked by me and i shot the big one with a .44 mag revolver!!! later 30 deer came out within 50 yards. there were some other very large does and no shed bucks at all. all the bucks had their antlers.

who has the link to the exact page on the dnr website to look at harvest numbers from this year???
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