i own the 2000 and absolutely love it, ive had it 3 years now and do alot of goose, duck, and pheasant hunting, plus turkeys, ive used and abused the thing and the only problem i had was last fall i unloaded on a flock of mallards on the miss., when i went to reload the bolt was gone and i couldnt find it, after a call to benelli they sent me a new one
i also own a 20 gauge sxs, neat little gun, i believe it is the uplander model, i have had some problems with this gun. it doesnt like to punch primers hard enough to get them to go off, it will dent them sometimes, maybe 1 in 10 shells on the right side dont go off, if i apply oil to that sides firing pin it helps, i should send it in but i dont use that gun enough and it sits in the cabinet most of the time
i highly recommend the model 2000, a friend of mine has one too and he loves his as well