Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

have to vent

Tough area up there unless you can put a treestand on a terrace, it's called $10K/acre land and $500-600 rent. Not sure what kind of dirt work you're doing,but if you're like others you've been tearing out trees by the hundreds. Little Sioux River bottoms is about all you have left. Drive an hour or 2 south and it starts getting better, others have provided good advice about other areas. PM sent
I feel your pain on public land. Like mentioned...hunt during the week and find some areas that others don't hunt. It may not look like great deer habitit, but I'll bet the deer are there to avoid the pressure. Also, I wouldn't sit the same stand every night you'll eventually burn your spot out if its not already. Don't be afraid to move if you aren't seeing deer. If you don't see deer two sits in a row its time to find a new spot.
Well i got a weird phone call today the guy that ownes the privet by the public were i hunt and saw those deer called me and asked if i wanted to hunt there my dad was ripping his field on the other end of the section and dad was talking to him and he said that nobody asked him so he said if i wanted to i can hunt there. So im taking tomarrow off and moving a stand there. Maybe my luck is changing. Thatnd for all the advice and help
Yes it does. I guess he just bought the ground so the platte didn't have him there it kinda of a trade hes never been pheasant hunting and his boys want to goal im taking both of them bird hunting
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