having problems with trail camera!!


ive got a wildlife inovations trail cam and sometimes at night the pictures are just a blank screen or solid green and then sometimes it takes night pictures just fine. can anyone help with this?
I had a couple of the Wildgame S2 cameras and they lasted about a month. Took them back and bought a MoultrieGamespy D55 and haven't looked back since. Personally for the money and quality, Moultrie cameras are hard to beat.
i bought the ir4, its taken alittle over 1000 pics, great pics, batteries are still in good shape! i dont have a single complaint about this cam. time will tell i guess. i used a moultrie last year and without a battery sponsor i wouldnt put it up this year.
my wildgame s4 took good pictures, but the but the tab that makes contact with the batteries broke when i tried changing the batteries 2 days ago. I took it back this morning and upgraded to a moultrie d55 ir. i have 2 moultrie i40 cameras and have never had trouble. battery life is amazing also.
The wild game cameras are ok for the money. My only bad input is they only take 1 pic per trigger. good pictures when they take the pictures
I have the Wildgame 1.3, and the S2. The battery life on the 1.3 is decent (about a month), but on the S2, it is only taking 2 pictures and the batteries are completely drained. I thought that maybe the batteries were bad, so i put new ones in and the exact same thing happened. Does anyone have any suggestions? Would different types of batteries have a big impact?
those cameras are POS's in my opinion... i bought one last year, batteries lasted about a week and the camera lasted for about 2 months before all of my nights pics were solid black
those cameras are POS's in my opinion... i bought one last year, batteries lasted about a week and the camera lasted for about 2 months before all of my nights pics were solid black

Well i hope you got your money back....they have a 1 year warranty. I have an IR4 and it has worked great for me.
I've got a Moultrie D65IR cam thats on its 3rd season. Late last season many of the pics got goofy like they were underexposed or it was a 1/2 of image and probably even viewed like it merged with one more picture. Obviously this year the issues are more often, 1/2 are fine and the other half smudged. As I've played around with the camera the menu's seem to work fine so the electronics aren't totally fried.
You usually get what you pay for. Unfortunately, trail cameras are not like bows, where nearly everything on the market is good. I've seen half as many wild game cameras work well, as the ones that work poorly. But it seems like the ones that work well, work well for a long time. The bad ones are wrong from the getgo.

I have 2 friends with wildgame cameras, and they describe the same issue with them as you do.

We use bushnell's and scoutguards, and I've only had one issue with 4 of them, but it only happened once in 3 years.