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Heading down this weekend


New Member
Hey guys, I am heading down this weekend to hang cameras...I know it is later on than I wanted, but I finally had a weekend open. Are the bucks still growing down there, or are they done. I live in Wisconsin but own land in sw iowa, and the bucks up here are loosing their velvet already. Just wanted to know what to expect.

Thanks guys for your help.
From previous years observations...

I would not expect much, or really any, growth from this point forward. They are still in velvet but the growth is done when the tips are no longer dark and slightly bulbous looking. I also think it varies from deer to deer, there are some that I think were largely done growing 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Those are just my opinions, but I think some will begin shedding velvet anytime now with the majority in about 2 weeks.
I thought I read somewhere (maybe on here) that the last two weeks of velvet there is 1% growing and mostly antler hardning happening.
I would say the most part they are primarily done. Hard to believe, it seems like just yesterday I was picking up sheds. I do know that every year I start seeing bucks out of velvet the first week of September.
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