Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Grim Reaper & Muzzy
This season will be the first in which I carry two types of heads - Rage 2 blade mechanical and G5 Strikers 3 blade fixed.
5-100 gr. Spitfires and 1-100 gr. G5 Striker. The Striker was from the G5 promotional deal a month or so ago. I want to try it out on a doe and see if it is worth all the hype.
100 grain Muzzy's and 1 expandable head for a turk if I get the chance.

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Rack stole my quiver! Only difference is my mechanical is for a 'yote.
Complete olio! I think I have at least one Jakhammer, Spitfire, Hammerhead and Bear razorhead in the quiver. Like last year, I'll probably hunt with a Jakhammer nocked and change arrows depending on what is coming in.
4 Muzzy MX 3's and a blunt to shoot any tresspassers in the back of the head. j/k

Actually I carry a field point to take a practice shot out of the stand.
a blunt to shoot any tresspassers in the back of the head.

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That would really wake your ass up in the morning.
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