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HELP! Good qdm examples needed!

Old Buck

Life Member
I'm beginning to feel like a complete failure. I'm trying to sell qdm management to a group of people on a fairly large property. Some are great believers, some are on the fence and some believe it doesn't work in Iowa because you can't have too many does, can't shoot enough does, can't approach a 1/1 sex ratio, need lots of does to 'draw in the big bucks', etc, etc, etc.

I need some real-life success stories on real properties in Iowa where the sex ratio has been adjusted through shooting does, where the buck age structure has improved, where the number of mature bucks/sq mile has been substantially increased, etc.

Feel free to pm me since you probably do not want to make this kind of info public. Any info will be kept confidential to any degree requested.

If any one knows of situations in or near Iowa where this has been documented and published that would be great also. I need facts, data and numbers.

Old Buck
Real good examples would come out of Missouri for folks that practiced QDM the last couple of years. I will try to think of some specific examples but am drawing a blank at the moment.

As far as folks that have practiced QDM to an extent like letting bucks mature would be the Kisky's here in IA.
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