Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Help me out experts

He also shot state record before this. Fam owns deer farm. He claimed world record, when he was required to go through standard inspection- pulled it.
I lived up there, 15 years of pictures at the archery shop of MATURE bucks and you won't see one over 160" let alone a state record and world record.
If you lived up there it would also make you think this is a bunch of horse poo.
Nothing can conclude this for sure other than a standard inspection which he is unwilling to do.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nannyslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Only difference is Iowabowtech, he wanted the attention, then he got it and then he hid from questions that were asked. </div></div>

If that's how it went, he deserves the speculation.
Oh My GOD...ground hog day again.....like I said, you guys can read for weeks about this deer on the internet. If you don't believe that...type Rompola as a search on this site...you can read for at least two days right here.

I would like to hear something new about this story...but the chances of that are about as good as him killing that deer in MICHIGAN.

P.S. I'm smiling! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
You see, Mitch is a very private person. (or so people think) Most people thought that he was just secretive about where he hunted and that's why he never took anyone to the area. And this is also why he was reluctant to have anyone help him drag "his" deer out of the woods.

Well, that is not the real reason. You see Mitch really enjoys the attention, there are just a few problems with this situation that makes him seem very, very secretive....hopefully, I can clear this up today.

He never took anyone with him because he didn't want anyone to find my weekend cabin back in those thick Michigan woods. Although there was some great deer hunting back in that area, that was not the only reason he didn't want people to find it. We were also doing some top secret research and development for new broadheads (by the way, they didn't even come on the market until two years later) and this is the broadhead that took the "Rompala" buck.

We were also contracted out by the State of Michigan too raise mountain lions/cougars/panthers...etc, etc to trade in a three way trade with the States of Missouri, Michigan and Texas. You see, it works like this, Texas sends Michigan some of their wide-racked, multi-point bucks to breed with the mothers of our heavy beemed, heavy body deer up here to create the ultimate trophy (the so called "ROMPALA" buck was the one of the first of these creations.) Let me just state that this was done completely in the wild and this deer that was taken was not in any way tame. (I can speak on this personally....I am getting to that) The reason I know that this buck was wild and was one of the first is because of thousands of deercam pictures we captured of the Texas/Michigan strain deer herd. I would love to post them as evidence to this statement, but unfortunately they were all burned up in a shed fire near the Eagle Bluffs Conservation area a few years back. Sooooo anyway, Missouri sent otters to Texas (they want to control the trophy bass population in Lake Fork) and then we transplanted our mountain lions into Missouri. I don't honestly remember where we transplanted all of the mountain lions (my records burned up in the previously mentioned fire) but a few of the places are: The Ozarks around Van Buren and North Springfield, the bootheel area of Mingo Swamp and the town of Risco, and we also released a small group in the Grain Valley, Missouri area.

Note: We also raised a few other animals and while we were there we dropped off one of our Timberwolves in the Kirsville area and a black bear in the St. Louis area around I-44. These were not part of the original contract, but we threw them in as a sort of "bonus".

Okay, now for the deer itself. Being that we were both contracted out by the State of Michigan and a very notable hunting products company (all on the hush hush of course...all documents pertaining to this have since been destroyed) we had to keep our part-time hobby of deer hunting on the up and up. I had already filled all of my antlered deer tags for the year (I had taken some fine trophies: one deer that would score in the low 200's typical and a button buck are the most memorable...again, I would love to show pictures, but...the fire) so I was out to try and balance the herd a bit. Well, along came this HUGE buck and he presented me with a great, broadside shot at a mere 73 yards. Well, I couldn't help myself and I took the deer. I didn't have the proper tag to legally tag the deer, so I called my buddy Mitch and asked him if "he would help a brotha out". He said he would and he also said he would get the picture out there of the Texas/Michigan strain deer for the world to appreciate....of course, when everyone started trying to get him to talk...well it all just snowballed from there. He was going to take credit for MY deer and get all the glory...kind of a catch 22 for both of us. It blew up from there and we are no longer friends. The cabin in the woods has since been destroyed and the contracts with the State and hunting company....well let's just say that all parties involved will claim...."None of this ever happened." Very unfortunate....

I feel better now, I could not hold this in any longer....WHEW /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Kent, that account is far more reliable than some I've read before, ones from other buddies of Mitch. Well written!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DOR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now thats funny Ghosty! </div></div>

So Mitch was just a patsy? A pawn in this game of speculation and intrigue? Poor fella! Bwhaaaaaa! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
Your story about you and Mitch sounds very Broke Back Mountainish! What else happend in the Weekend Cabin back in theose Michigan woods???
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