Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Help! Poached!!

cause i don't know about you guys but i've never seen a recipe for deer antler...makes me sick!

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I have it gets mixed in with a little bit of $ and a little bit of $
What a bunch of low lifes. Not much that I despise more than poaching, "borrowig tags" or shooting early or late. We had 11 does poached in one night and three bucks on another night. Took the heads off two of the bucks. Everything else was left to rot. Torques me off royally.
Gotta love lazy people. It seems they never get caught and when they do the fines and penalties aren't enough! Good luck finding them!
The longbranch longbow at 2;30 in the morning.
The longbranch longbow at 2;30 in the morning.

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Is Randall still the owner of that place?
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