Land of the Whitetail
Shot a buck this morning at 0730. I waited until 1030 to get down and track. It was about a 23 yard shot. Behind the shoulder good but a little high. He took off and I could see blood pumping. Lots of blood for probably 200-300 yards. Lots, a blind man could follow it. Red blood, I did find some spots of lung hit with bubbles. Then followed another 200-300 yards with very little blood. Find two spots where he looked to have bedded down and some clotting in those beds, beds probably just 10 yards apart. Followed blood maybe 75 yards fuether and decided to back out. I think I was pushing him. I think it was probably a one lung hit. How much more time should I give him? Overnight? The second half of tracking was tough, not much blood, but he lost a lot the first 200-300. How long should you give a one lung hit ? Could he survive that? Ton of blood initially, I wouldn’t think so.
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