Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Henninger buck


Well-Known Member
Bill Henninger harvested this great buck with his bow.


Congrats Bill!
I jumped into my stand late in the afternoon (3:45 p.m.) on November 16th. But the stand was a fresh one; never hunted.About 15 minutes after arriving 3 does worked their way through the thick stuff along a creek. I caught some movement and this great buck came out of the creek line about 40 yards away from me.

I grunted at him and he stopped and looked around. I was positioned in a mature oak tree, among a slug of other oaks. He continued to walk away and I grunted again. He stopped and looked again but after several minutes of looking for another deer and not seeing any, he began to wak away from my stand.
This continued for about 20 minutes and he was at the top of the hill, leaving for good when I remembered the "snort & wheeze" technique on a few videos. I didnt have the actual call so I did my best to duplicate it and it worked !
He spun around and took thre steps back towards me, but he was 60 o 70 yards away at the time. He watched very intently. I grunted and snort wheezed again and I will never forget watching this joker run to the bottom of my stand !
He was ready for a fight, and stopped 12 yards out and thankfully, looked the other direction while I stood and turned for the shot. I had (and this is hard to believe) a perfect double lung hit and he went 60 yards and fell.
I am so thankful for a safe and exciting hunt and hope all of you have the same.
Friends say he should score 140 to 145. He has 12 score-able points.( I'll count that tiny little nubbly on the front !)

God Bless,
Bill Henninger

p.s. don't be afraid to snort and wheeze !!!!! :yay:
Thanks for the comments; I am really grateful to have harvested this buck!
Good luck,
Will be a hunt always to remember. The day I shot mine I had a small buck chasing a doe and he was doing the snort wheeze. Their were other small bucks around. One came to play but he ran the others off. Not much of a rack. It was really neat. Wish I would have picked up the video cam, but I didn't want to have a bigger boy come in and me wishing I had the bow. Oh well. I will remember it.

Nice buck.
Thanks dead eye. There's always something new to see out there. Just when I think I've pretty well seen it all, something crazy goes on. I love it !
Well well, Wild Bill finally whacks a whopper!! Way to go! Gotta love the split brow tines. I was gonna e-mail ya photos of my 12pt from 11/6, but I just figured you'd get all depressed and start moping around, what with me kicking your butt again and all. We will definitely have to swap stories if we get to the rifle range together this spring.

Good luck with the gun season.
And, uh yeah, double lung is hard to believe. I've seen you shoot.

Seriously though, nice buck!

~The Great 8 from the east~
Hy Timber pig you've got me wondering exactly who ?????
Thanks for the comments, by the way I don't "gun hunt" that's for sissys with no legs !!!!!!!!!!!
Take Care,
Hey man! That's a great buck you've got there. I can't help but notice how familar you look...would you of happended to practice shooting your bow at Newtons' Bowshop. I am only 17, but i think you may have helped me out w/ my shooting technique this summer when i saw you at the shop. If not, the guy looks a lot like you. Anyways...Great Job!!!
Bill, very nice buck!! I swear I thought you were George Bush JR., when your picture first came up.
Ok Bill, I thought "the Great 8 from the east" would give it away, but I'll type slower for ya! 79-8

And when did you give up gun hunting, or was that just a one time thing?

Hey Bobcat, that was pretty funny
Oh you guys are Reeaal funny !!!!!
Yes, I do shoot at the Sportsman Outfitters in Newton, Iowa, ridgerunner. If I helped you out with your shooting I am glad. <aybe you can give me some pointers sometime in the future; I need all the help I can get.

As for the George Bush impersonation, I'll take that as a compliment !! 79-8; you should be telling us about your buck Mr. Dead eye !!!!
Have a good day,
P.s. 4 timberswine.
My buck went 142 3/8 Gross. What'd yourz go Mr. Bacon?
Donut Man ? Lieutenant Glaze!
Sergeant Sugar !
Corporal Crumb !
Oh! I crack myself up with the cop sarcasm !!!!!!!
Hey way to go Perry Mason, don't put in for investigator anytime soon!

As for my buck, 12 points and 149" even, gross of course. Still, your buck is awfully nice, especially for someone of "supervisory status".

Now quit screwing around on the computer when you are supposed to be at work, Mr. President!
Sounds like a great buck ! Now how do I see the pictures ?

Be safe,
Willy, nice buck, looks like you pulled him out of a lake. I tried the snort at a big 10 pointer this year and it sure as hell worked. I didn't shoot him, but it turned him around on a dime. Congrats Mr. President
Thanks for he comments Coach and what a nice buck you arrowed this year! Great story to boot !
Timberpig, I'll check my e-mails Thanksgiving night when I go back to work. You probabl have it off being a county-jockey and all !!!!
And to my good friend Donovon, who faithfully reads the George W. Bush comments and laughs loud! Shoot a buck already brother; Gitter done !

God Bless,
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