Herbicide Carryover- Help/Advice

Just sprayed my clover with Pursuit and Select at recommended rates. Kinda forgot about the possibility of Pursuit carryover. I was thinking about overseeding the clover(with clover) in the fall and possibly even drilling winter oats into the existing clover stand.....does anyone know from having done this if the Pusuit will prevent the newly seeded clover or oats from germinating? Also, what about turnips/rape germination?Appreciate thoughts, comments......Note: Oats would be seeded early Sept. and clover sometime in August.
I have never used Pursuit but according to the label you may have some problems with brassicas or cereals if you plant them anytime this summer...;)
Pursuit Carryover

Thanks appreciate the reply. I did some internet searches and saw where heavier(clay) and organic soils seem to pose a bigger problem...Pursuit remains active longer. I suppose on lighter.sandier soils the chemical might, with rain, move vertically downward leaving a shallow zone on top that might allow for germination.......will plant anyway and see what happens.