Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

He's back right on schedule.


Every year for last 5 years this guy shows up first week of Sept. his fall range just skirts this farm. He's like a ghost the rest of year. His little flyers haven't grown much since last year. Don't care about score, no pass for him this year...


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Really nice, has to be old then if you're following 5 years - so how old are you estimating him at or how old was he 5 years ago when you noticed him? Good luck on him, I bet he's a smart dude!!!, really nice!
I know he's at least 6.5. He has a very distinct white spot on his right a$$ cheek. When I first got him on cam, at an estimated 1.5, he had nothing but those dagger brow tines and has had them ever since. He's a smart dude. This field he is in I do not hunt until rut. It's way back away from everything in a valley. I've seen him 3 times in 5 yrs on the hoof, all in that field. The 6ish acre field is bordered on 3 sides by the neighbors who lease their farm out. Bow opener tomorrow and can't hunt until Sunday night. He has been coming out 5of last 8 nights right at last light.... Tomorrows honey do list will be attacks with a vengeance...lol
You guys crack me up. That is an awesome buck. Love hearing how they can vanish and show up the same time every year. Maybe this is the year he makes a mistake for you. Best of luck.
Still holding his velvet.... And eatin twinkles apparently...


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He's huge, are you seeing more nice bucks now with antler point restrictions?
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Yeah I would say we have seen positive results. This particular deer is in southern Fillmore county surrounded by a neighbors who have practiced strict management rules for 15ish years. It's paying off...
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