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Shooting more bucks doesn't really decrease the deer herd much. Everyone shooting more does is the culprit. I know tons of landowners and honestly, I can't think of any of them that fill their 3rd buck tag. I take that back, my dad finally filled his landowner buck tag last year after 6 years of trying to fill it. He did not fill his statewide bow tag however.

It all doesn't really matter though. It won't be long and our governor will cave and let it be a free for all.
You are OK with the (3) buck limit? I thought you were concerned about the overall deer herd.

Check out the article in North American Whitetail, it ranks Iowa as a deer herd on the decrease due to; 2/3 buck limits, party hunting, late rifle doe season, high number of poaching cases.

Just about makes me want to start name calling. Go F things up in your own home. This is my last post here. Arguing with fools make you a fool. I have been foolish enough on this one.
I see what you are saying, but if no one does it, then get rid of it. The writer from North American Whitetail seems to think it is a big problem, he has mentioned it twice in his articles and he is a well know writer/hunter.

That doesn't mean he knows what he is talking about. Seriously, are there not stats available as to how many individuals shoot 3 bucks a year? There should be, and I would be curious to know that number. I really doubt it is many in a given year. They could do away with it and I wouldn't care a bit.
reduce tags

The 3 buck law could go away for all I'm concerned... and I'm guessing many of the folks on here as well. But right now, the DNR is struggling to cut tags. Gov. Branstand just said no to the DNR cutting the # of does tags in some counties. The 3 buck rule is there, but seldom used.

The DNR also tried to cut the late doe season back a bit but that also cut thrown out this year... Thank you Governor.

I guess it comes down to money, it is too bad they don't reduce doe tags, and I glad to hear that there are others that think the 3 buck limit is high,,thanks.
Just about makes me want to start name calling. Go F things up in your own home. This is my last post here. Arguing with fools make you a fool. I have been foolish enough on this one.

Hey, don't think I haven't felt the same way....got any land for sale:D

Relax it is just internet chat, no one is gonna F up your deer hunting!
That doesn't mean he knows what he is talking about. Seriously, are there not stats available as to how many individuals shoot 3 bucks a year? There should be, and I would be curious to know that number. I really doubt it is many in a given year. They could do away with it and I wouldn't care a bit.

I'd be very curious, I've never heard of a landowner actually taking three bucks.
OK, this is getting monotonous! Resident or Non Resident, we have bigger things to worry about than getting tags or shooting 3 bucks. We need to pursue the elimination of the antlerless seasons or atleast the reduction of antlerless tag #'s. If we don't, I think we can all agree R or NR, our hunting is going to suck ass if nothing is changed. We have a valuable resource here and we need to protect it! This is getting ridiculous guys and we're not going to resolve anything by arguing on here. One thing we all agree on is protecting the future of hunting in Iowa, so why don't we use that to our advantage and let our Governor hear our thoughts. I love a good debate, but I think this one has run it's course. We'll resume it when a new proposal hits the table :grin: :way:

Dedgeez: I agree, we are all in this together, believe me I am only interested in better hunting overall in Iowa, MN, ND, or wherever.
Good thought! Thats really the bottom line for the majority of us.For what is worth I believe there was alot fewer deer in my area based on sightings while hunting and the number of sheds this spring . The political machine needs to put their trust in the input from the DNR and not the accountants.
Seriously, are there not stats available as to how many individuals shoot 3 bucks a year?

In 2010/11 hunting seasons, 229 individuals reported three antlered bucks (222 in 2009/10).

The LAW that allows an Iowan landowner to receive an additional either-sex license was created by the Legislature, not the DNR and only the Legislature can vote it out. The Farm Bureau supported it and in my guestimation they supported it as a first step in transfereable tags.
In 2010/11 hunting seasons, 229 individuals reported three antlered bucks (222 in 2009/10).

The LAW that allows an Iowan landowner to receive an additional either-sex license was created by the Legislature, not the DNR and only the Legislature can vote it out. The Farm Bureau supported it and in my guestimation they supported it as a first step in transfereable tags.

OK, now we have a couple of actual facts to chew on, thanks Bonker!

These numbers to me totally confirm my statements in the past, shared by others too I will add, that the "3rd buck deal" for RLO's really has NO IMPACT on the deer number in Iowa. With 220'ish "extra" bucks each year spread out over 99 counties, we are talking about 2.2 "extra" bucks per year per county. No wonder I don't know anyone who actually takes 3 bucks in a year.

So we can argue about whether or not this should stay or go, and I really don't care either way. But I think this closes the discussion on whether or not this is a factor in deer numbers or not, it is NOT.
Keep in mind many, many hunters do not report their harvests.
Maybe in Pennsylvania they don't. You can't tell me a landowner will not report a buck killed when it is completely legal. The number of deer processed each year at the lockers tells me few hunters butcher their own.
Cedarcreek, give me a break. I know residents who do not report their kills. This is the height of hipocracy. A couple thousand NRLO's will damage the deer herd in Iowa if guaranteed to shoot one buck, but resident LO's who can shoot 3 a year do not because 229 reported their kills last year. Give me a break. I believe more do not report than do report. What does taking a deer to a locker have to do with reporting the kill to the DNR? The locker could care less about reporting.
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Jdubs said:
Cedarcreek, give me a break. My two resident neighbors do not report their kills. They want nothing to do with the DNR. This is the height of hipocracy. A couple thousand NRLO's will damage the deer herd in Iowa if guaranteed to shoot one buck, but resident LO's who can shoot 3 a year do not because 229 reported their kills last year. Give me a break. I believe more do not report than do report. What does taking a deer to a locker have to do with reporting the kill to the DNR? The locker could care less about reporting.

Lockers are required to report the confirmation number written on the tag before accepting any deer.
Cedarcreek, give me a break. My two resident neighbors do not report their kills. They want nothing to do with the DNR. This is the height of hipocracy. A couple thousand NRLO's will damage the deer herd in Iowa if guaranteed to shoot one buck, but resident LO's who can shoot 3 a year do not because 229 reported their kills last year. Give me a break. I believe more do not report than do report. What does taking a deer to a locker have to do with reporting the kill to the DNR? The locker could care less about reporting.

Well it sounds like you should call the TIP line and report them. Even if only 20% of the "3 buck killers" were reporting like they should, that is still only about 10 "extra" bucks per county. That is still nowhere near enough "extra" bucks to make a real difference in statewide policy.

Seriously, make a different argument, that one is dead.
I know folks that don't call in deer- it's almost entirely the late antlerless season and does. Some of which is out of laziness. Now, when ANY person I know shoots a buck, I can't think of ONE person I've ever heard of that doesn't call it in. They usually shoot a nice buck they are proud of, legally of course SO they take extra care to make sure they jump through every hoop. Too much risk not to. They also are only taking the time to call in ONE DEER.
With a doe, folks blow away 10, 20 or sometimes 30 deer in a day. (group by me got 42 in one day with a huge group last year). It's a hassle, they could care less about does & antlerless and many are simply lazy. I've seen dozens upon dozens of does, shed bucks and button bucks NOT get called in (and have folks tell me about it) and I have NEVER EVER EVER seen or herd one guy I know shoot a buck and not call it in. I'm NOT saying it doesn't happen BUT I also know tons of people and I've never herd or seen this in 3-4 years (since they've had call-in thing). It's not worth it, folks take time with their prized buck & they wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their nice buck.

Lastly, I've owned farms for years and again have TONS OF GUYS I know that own land. I'm NOT saying it doesn't happen BUT I do not know ONE guy that's shot 3 bucks of his/her farm that he/she owns. I know it happens BUT I have not seen this EVER. I shot 3 bucks one year BUT I took the statewide tag off a buddy's place. Iowa is NOT being hurt by 3 buck killing land owners, not happening. Least of our threats and this is a non-issue.
the land owner resident "taking" three bucks is not an issue but all the NR are trying to make it one, and it gives them something to bitch and moan about
Daver, the deer the residents take are legal. It's up to them to report the deer. The point is many do not report their kills and the 229 is not an accurate stat.
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