It is going to be a good fall!
I see some major similarities and comparisons between this and the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION DEBATE - just similarities.....
All these folks come here, illegally (not saying NR's are illegal), set up shop illegally, should not be here, are ruining lots of things from hospitals to schools to filling jails, etc. Then, the LIBERALS out-cry.... "well, they are here, we need to change the law to make them legal, amnesty, pay a fine and become a resident, etc" - the Libs want their votes and the Repubs want cheap labor. Change the law, they are here, it's too late- let's brush aside they came here illegally, knew our laws, are destroying tons of American institutions, we had laws on the books, didn't come our legal route, etc- NOW we have groups that are trying to change the law to accommodate their needs with all sorts of other motives.
If you are against changing the laws for illegals and granting amnesty, you better not be for changing IA's laws to accommodate people who don't have IA residency and want to change Iowa's laws to suit their need & dozens of other hidden-motives I could list, when they knew the rules going into it.
Same goes for you SE IA Buck Buster: Don't call yourself a conservative and then try to prevent land use and ownership rights. That would be a complete opposite platform