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HF716/necked cartridge update

This isnt a 2A bill or a bill meant to improve hunter numbers... It is a bill to try and change the entire way of hunting in Iowa and to make it easier for some while improving gun sales for others.
Nobody says you cant legally own these other rifles so no 2A issue there at all but just because you can legally own it doesnt mean you should be legally allowed to hunt with it... I can legally go buy a spear gun if I want but that doesnt mean I should be able to hunt deer with it.
Adding these new calibers wont improve hunter numbers or participation one bit... Anyone that has the desire to hunt deer already has several other legal options and Im going to guess that anybody that owns one of these HIGH power calibers is also going to already own a legal weapon to deer hunt with... These arent common calibers, or cheap plinking calibers like a .22 or a .223 that a lot of people already have just sitting around they are expensive and uncommon calibers so nobodys going to say "You know Ive always wanted to hunt deer, if only I could do it with .375H&H, but since I cant I wont"
These new calibers theyre trying to push are also definitely not youth or recoil sensitive friendly... Theyre big heavy recoiling long range or dangerous game calibers so your not going to gain anymore youth or recoil sensitive hunters with this bill either...
ALL you will gain is some "potential" new guns sales and a foot in the door to opening up all centerfire rifles next year or soon after. Not too mention the added safety issues that come along with it.
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Great post rutnstrut!!

In regards to last page - yes, unfortunately many of the folks who make their living off of Iowa deer hunting, IN SOME CASES, don’t spend the time or political capital protecting it. Yes, you are correct, many of these folks own thousands of acres & I often wonder if that’s the reason SOME of them don’t speak up?!? This will have no impact on them. Why it’s often crickets. HONESTLY!!!.... if certain folks won’t help to support the state they profit from- I wouldn’t watch them! Maybe why some people don’t as it sits. Those folks need to pitch in!
I’ll be very honest here on this... no, this legislation likely wouldn’t impact me. If we only thought of things because we only cared for ourselves & our own interests- what a sad world we’d live in. It sickens me to see it happen & it wasn’t long ago I hunted 40’s, 80’s & all permission ground. I know what this would do to the resource I care about & 99% of the hunters out there - who I also care about. It’s a shame what we have to defend every year.

IF the politicians could grasp this- I’d be very happy.... Iowa is 6% timber. You come to any area in several counties I farm or own farms.... over 50% of my neighbors are NR’s who own the land for hunting & insulate themselves as much as possible from bad regulations that ruined the state they live in (& leave to hunt). Of the remaining (forest area truly is RARE) timber or mixed land, I’d estimate half of that is owned by hunters & protected & insulated from the “insanity”. I am not faulting these owners!!!! Just pointing out facts from what I see 1st hand in vast amounts of neighborhoods. That leaves about 25% of land in “regular farmer or landowner hands” from what i see over & over. Not right or wrong - just FACT. Is the trend to lock ground up (especially to manage & insulate from crazy regs) going up or down?? Clearly UP!!! Legislatures can partially look in the mirror for why this is happening (heck, I can open another can of worms where they still have program in place to promote Iowa hunting to out of staters!!!!!!!).

Tiny bit of land (6% timber), being further bought up & protected - that’s an issue the legislatures don’t understand & cant see they are the big part of that reason. The good part is- as long as they don’t mess with regs (tag #’s, new seasons, etc) - iowa remains “way above average” anywhere in the state vs other states. Keeping it that way is the insulting challenge we have to face yearly. Until these clowns decide that “enough is enough” & leave the deer regs alone!!!! If u have complaints about deer hunting - a huge part of this can be traced back to some
of the political slime. There are a good group in politics that do care too- we should be thankful for that & supporting them! The parts you love - thank the IBA and do realize, RIGHT NOW, you still live in one of the best states in the country. Don’t lose that!!!
Question for all. I don't do Facebook but was curious if there has been anything put out by any of the many TV personalities that Iowa has on any of these bills? I don't watch much hunting on TV anymore but have the Drurys, Lakoskys, Kiskys, Winke, or anyone else brought any attention to any of these bills?

I actually contacted the Drurys, Kiskys and Lakoskys through their website since I didn't have any other thoughts on how to get the info to them. I only heard a response from DOD that said they'll pass the info on to Mark/Terry but otherwise crickets. I also suspect they don't want to upset any sponsors. If that's the case I hope they realize the vast majority of their audience in Iowa would be impacted by bills like these even if they wouldn't be due to the land they have available to them. Sponsors don't mean much if nobody buys your videos.
  • Deleted by Senator Chris Cournoyer
I received this email from Ken Rozenboom. I sent him a response back and thanked him but I still told him my concerns on this subject in the future when this beast comes back.
I hope the response is correct but with people under the gold dome.... I trust no one.

Thank you for your input. I share your deep concerns about this bill. I do not plan to move it out of committee, and that means it’s essentially dead this year. If the House wants to work on it again next year and clean up some of the faults of the bill, I’ll take a look again then.


Senator Ken Rozenboom

Honored to serve Senate District 40

Counties of Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Appanoose, Wapello

Click here to subscribe to my Legislative Newsletter

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If the House wants to work on it again next year and clean up some of the faults of the bill, I’ll take a look again then.
Guys - just read this again. It’s coming back!!! This fight has been kicked down the road for 1 year. This fight & I will bet any amount - the crossbow lobby wanting $ from sales to put Xbows in archery- both these fights are coming!!!!

We need to be proactive. All these politicians need to understand the motivations and current status of Iowa’s reseource. In a nutshell- “dear politicians - please leave Iowa’s regs alone!!!! 4 months, 6 seasons and 6 weapon categories currently!!!! (Shotgun, bow, crossbow, straight wall, muzzleloaders & pistols) There’s no “opportunity issues”!!!! This is a fragile resource. Most the land is locked up by hunters wanting to insulate from the madness regulations. There’s access issues, NOT WEAPON, SEASON & REGULATION ISSUES!!!!!!
#’s to make this even more concise!!!!!....

6% timber in Iowa
4 months of deer seasons
6 different deer seasons
6 weapon choices with a massive selection of rounds, loads & options (in the hundreds)
50% minimum (can supply evidence here) of land locked up & controlled by NR hunters & R hunters. Trend continuing to go up!

Iowa is one of maybe 2-3 states with a reputation for a well managed deer herd: health, age structures, opportunity at a mature deer.
Access to quality land is incredibly hard & continues to keep many hunters out of the sport. More weapons & more seasons would actually make this situation worse!!!!

49 out of 50 is where Iowa ranks for public hunting land.

4 year wait for an archery deer tag in the highest timbered areas. Iowa continues to promote its high quality hunting to out of state hunters through the media tags even with a 4 year wait!

Leave the regulations alone!!!! No more seasons, no more weapons, PERIOD!!!!
Guys - just read this again. It’s coming back!!! This fight has been kicked down the road for 1 year. This fight & I will bet any amount - the crossbow lobby wanting $ from sales to put Xbows in archery- both these fights are coming!!!!

We need to be proactive. All these politicians need to understand the motivations and current status of Iowa’s reseource. In a nutshell- “dear politicians - please leave Iowa’s regs alone!!!! 4 months, 6 seasons and 6 weapon categories currently!!!! (Shotgun, bow, crossbow, straight wall, muzzleloaders & pistols) There’s no “opportunity issues”!!!! This is a fragile resource. Most the land is locked up by hunters wanting to insulate from the madness regulations. There’s access issues, NOT WEAPON, SEASON & REGULATION ISSUES!!!!!!
#’s to make this even more concise!!!!!....

6% timber in Iowa
4 months of deer seasons
6 different deer seasons
6 weapon choices with a massive selection of rounds, loads & options (in the hundreds)
50% minimum (can supply evidence here) of land locked up & controlled by NR hunters & R hunters. Trend continuing to go up!

Iowa is one of maybe 2-3 states with a reputation for a well managed deer herd: health, age structures, opportunity at a mature deer.
Access to quality land is incredibly hard & continues to keep many hunters out of the sport. More weapons & more seasons would actually make this situation worse!!!!

49 out of 50 is where Iowa ranks for public hunting land.

4 year wait for an archery deer tag in the highest timbered areas. Iowa continues to promote its high quality hunting to out of state hunters through the media tags even with a 4 year wait!

Leave the regulations alone!!!! No more seasons, no more weapons, PERIOD!!!!
No doubt about it!!
This was a learning curve for them. If this email is true the sponsors are already working on next years bill and they will be organized.
We’ve dodged it for this year but time flies and the next session will be here before you know it.
If anyone received a email please reply back and tell him thanks and remind him why this was a bad bill and always will be a bad bill.
Yup got an email from a senator stating thanks for the concerns, but this bill doesnt seem to be going anywhere. Too many changes to be made and not enough time... it will be back in 2020
Hello new here, not to hunting.

I'm not trying to start a fight, but I can see both sides of this bill. The pos. would be the way I read it it would give handgun hunters its own season like bow, which I think is to long and yes I hunt with a bow.
It would also give the people that have a 44-40, 38-40 or 30-30 to be able to use grandpa's old rifle, you can already use a 45-70 that has the range of the other calibers people are referring to.
And it people want to make deer hunting safer in Iowa, get rid of driving or party hunting. the way deer population is now you don't need to hunt that way if you want to call it that.

Thanks Scott
Hello new here, not to hunting.

I'm not trying to start a fight, but I can see both sides of this bill. The pos. would be the way I read it it would give handgun hunters its own season like bow, which I think is to long and yes I hunt with a bow.
It would also give the people that have a 44-40, 38-40 or 30-30 to be able to use grandpa's old rifle, you can already use a 45-70 that has the range of the other calibers people are referring to.
And it people want to make deer hunting safer in Iowa, get rid of driving or party hunting. the way deer population is now you don't need to hunt that way if you want to call it that.

Thanks Scott

The way I understand it the 30-30 would still not be legal but cartridges such as 375 UltraMag, 416 Barrett, 460 Weatherby Magnum, etc would be - very strange the way it was written.
The way I understand it the 30-30 would still not be legal but cartridges such as 375 UltraMag, 416 Barrett, 460 Weatherby Magnum, etc would be - very strange the way it was written.
I wasn't sure if they where sticking with the 1.8 length. Makes no sense.
Guys - just read this again. It’s coming back!!! This fight has been kicked down the road for 1 year. This fight & I will bet any amount - the crossbow lobby wanting $ from sales to put Xbows in archery- both these fights are coming!!!!

We need to be proactive. All these politicians need to understand the motivations and current status of Iowa’s reseource. In a nutshell- “dear politicians - please leave Iowa’s regs alone!!!! 4 months, 6 seasons and 6 weapon categories currently!!!! (Shotgun, bow, crossbow, straight wall, muzzleloaders & pistols) There’s no “opportunity issues”!!!! This is a fragile resource. Most the land is locked up by hunters wanting to insulate from the madness regulations. There’s access issues, NOT WEAPON, SEASON & REGULATION ISSUES!!!!!!
#’s to make this even more concise!!!!!....

6% timber in Iowa
4 months of deer seasons
6 different deer seasons
6 weapon choices with a massive selection of rounds, loads & options (in the hundreds)
50% minimum (can supply evidence here) of land locked up & controlled by NR hunters & R hunters. Trend continuing to go up!

Iowa is one of maybe 2-3 states with a reputation for a well managed deer herd: health, age structures, opportunity at a mature deer.
Access to quality land is incredibly hard & continues to keep many hunters out of the sport. More weapons & more seasons would actually make this situation worse!!!!

49 out of 50 is where Iowa ranks for public hunting land.

4 year wait for an archery deer tag in the highest timbered areas. Iowa continues to promote its high quality hunting to out of state hunters through the media tags even with a 4 year wait!

Leave the regulations alone!!!! No more seasons, no more weapons, PERIOD!!!!

Yes got to fight those dasterdly Cross Guns. Write your Reps. They will kill all our trophies.
This thread is about adding more rifles. One of which can shoot extreme distances. Theres a few threads on crossbows already. One even has a picture of a crossbow with a rain gauge you should upgrade to.
Yes got to fight those dasterdly Cross Guns. Write your Reps. They will kill all our trophies.
I don’t get why u get fired up on this? Honestly. U can use one!!! No one is wanting to take them away. Seniors, handicapped & late season - all legal. No one is taking them away or changing the rules.
“All our trophies”. Can we agree on this????.... “trophies are rare” even the way it is Hard to get bucks to maturity in our current environment. Yes- they do make it but it’s sure not like “all our trophies” are just all over behind every tree. You agree in our current system they are already hard to find???
I don’t get why u get fired up on this? Honestly. U can use one!!! No one is wanting to take them away. Seniors, handicapped & late season - all legal. No one is taking them away or changing the rules.
“All our trophies”. Can we agree on this????.... “trophies are rare” even the way it is Hard to get bucks to maturity in our current environment. Yes- they do make it but it’s sure not like “all our trophies” are just all over behind every tree. You agree in our current system they are already hard to find???
I sure hope our state never manages our deer herd for trophy management. To each our own, when it comes to defining what a trophy is. Herd health and population management, not trophy. And, yes, I define myself as a trophy hunter. I am really good at eating tag soup because of that.
I sure hope our state never manages our deer herd for trophy management. To each our own, when it comes to defining what a trophy is. Herd health and population management, not trophy. And, yes, I define myself as a trophy hunter. I am really good at eating tag soup because of that.
Iowa is managed for quality. Many other states are managed for opportunity. If you don't consider Iowa as a trophy state from a management perspective, then no such thing exists. I think you can manage for quality and for overall numbers which affects herd health. That's what Iowa historically has tried to do.

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