Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

High Roller Shed Out


The Hunt Never Ends....
The buck that I call High Roller shed his velvet. He is still looking pretty good. Right now, he is sitting at the top of my hit list in terms of score.




Another 10 pointer decided to try to push him around a little bit. This lasted for over a few minutes. It's getting to be that time of year :way:



This fall the landowner helped me plant a standing bean foodplot to not only chase after High Roller, but another buck that frequented the farm last fall during the rut that I called Black Jack. The plot is looking pretty good, and I just broadcasted some turnips/rape into it yesterday. I hope that 5.5 acres of standing beans/turnips/rape will be a deadly attractant during late muzzleloader, and I hope that Black Jack decides to show back up.

Black Jack-Rut of 2009;


The Plot;


View from the blind;

Awesome series of pics! How can you even sleep knowing what may be in store for you this fall? :D:way::way::way::way:
sweet pics of highroller, that dude is full on STUD-MODE this year.

I say you "double-down" on black jack in that bean field...it looks deadly from the stand.:way:
If your hunting goes as well as the trail cams have, your set to have a fantastic year. Good luck Chris!:way:
That things a hoss, good luck this year you've got quiet the pickings to what deer you shoot.
I wouldn't be surprised to see some of your bucks lose an eye sparring with High Roller this year. That dagger off his base looks like it could do some damage!
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Good grief. High Roller made me get out the drool cup.

Nice bucks man...and helluva nice landowner to help you with a food plot! That's sweet!
Good grief you have some dandy bucks on your hands, and looks like your all set up to lay the smack down on them. Good Luck
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