This is why I love the sport of hunting and managing whitetails. I have done all kinds of food plot work, tree plantings, and shrubs. Now I am entering a whole new concept to me "hinge cutting". Where I hunt in southwest iowa we are always trying to improve timber stands by planting trees. We just lack the mature timbers and that is what we strive for getting big oaks and other mature hardwoods. Now I bought a farm in south central iowa and that is all I have are big stands of mature timber but lack the thick cover. I have been reading a lot about hinge cutting and was wondering what you guys do as far as hinge cutting and when the best time to do it is. Also if you have any pictures or anything that would be great. My timber consist mostly of oaks hickory and some elms. I dont want to cut the elms becuase I love them morels and dont want to lose out on those. I also have walnuts but I know enough not to cut those. I have plenty of shagbark hickorys. Any advice would be great let me know what you guys do. Thanks.