Hog bomb

I think that video is from France. Listened to a story on NPR about the problems the pigs are causing there. They are lifting most hunting restrictions, even using sharpshooters.
I didn't think they were ever gonna quit coming. That is unreal. Gonna need to declare war on those pigs.
France was a nasty trash filled pigsty when I visited in 1987, and now they have the pigs to go along with it :) That would be some fun shooting.
If you ever get the chance to buy a firearm from the French, jump on it! There usually fired very little and only dropped once.... : )
Since this is already off topic. Go to Google and type in frech military victories, then hit the I'm feeling lucky button. It's good for a laugh.
reminds me of what a deer drive use to look like about 13 yrs ago when i started hunting.. before anybody ever shot does around here