Well I finally finished my homebrew. I used the homebrew 101 page to do it as well as a little reference help on Hags. It was a lot of fun and I owe alot of thanks to Vman for going through w/ the tutorial as well as answering private questions.
I used a Sony p41 and a Bg2 board w/ a 1040 case. It really was not that hard and if I had the money I think I could make 10 in one day. The hack job was not that hard but it is nice to have another set of hands. I also disengaged the shutter to make it quiet as a mouse.
Now that I got it figured out i think I might get another addiction.
I'll try getting pics of the camera when I get to the office tommorow but for now here is my first pic. I set it on the table in the basement and actually forgot I left it there and it got me.
Also what size memory stick would you guys suggest for this? I need to get one quick and then get it in the woods.
I used a Sony p41 and a Bg2 board w/ a 1040 case. It really was not that hard and if I had the money I think I could make 10 in one day. The hack job was not that hard but it is nice to have another set of hands. I also disengaged the shutter to make it quiet as a mouse.
Now that I got it figured out i think I might get another addiction.
I'll try getting pics of the camera when I get to the office tommorow but for now here is my first pic. I set it on the table in the basement and actually forgot I left it there and it got me.
Also what size memory stick would you guys suggest for this? I need to get one quick and then get it in the woods.