Hours in the tree ?



Got this idea from the shed hunt conference,
how many hours do you think you spend in a tree, throughout the hunting season? I've been keeping a log of my hunting season for about three years now, this year I totaled
147 hours in the tree. This does not count
scouting or hanging stands, hunting only.

Boy, I would hate to keep track. I would risk my wife finding out! If she found out I know one thing is for sure. I wouldn't be getting that many hours next year.
My log shows:
October = 68 hrs no shots
November = 124 hrs one doe and the buck taken on 11/18. 4 days in stand from 6am till after dark. Tree Lounge makes that possible.
December = 76 hrs no harvest (I can bow hunt during shotgun seasons in a special area).
January = 27 hrs took doe on 1/6. Can't wait till next Oct. 1st.
I've been keeping a log for the past three or four years now. One of the best thing I ever did concerning bow hunting. It shows I typically spend 3-4 hours in the stand at a time. The number of total hours vary depending on when opprotunity knocks. I usually get to 100 hrs in a tree.
Scout, I also agree that keeping a log is one of the best things I started doing. I
usually keep a page just for notes, like spots I've located for new stands, or maybe
where I saw some good scrape activity. Come next summer I'll go back and read over the notes, and usually say to myself, man I forgot all about that hotspot, thank goodness
for these notes.
Exactly, I write mine like it is a journal. What stand I'm in start stop times and usual stuff like what type of deer doing and going where. But I also put down thoughts for future seasons, other game almost anything that strikes me as being valuable to remember. Tree time is great thinking time!
I have also been keeping a log the past few years. I have averaged just over 100 hours in the stand. I start the clock when I get in and stop it when I get out.

I also keep track of what stand I am hunting, wind direction, temp. date, A.M. P.M. etc.

I do most of my scounting after the first of the year. This year I have started to track this activity also.
I too have kept a log over the last 5 yrs its amazing how much youcan find out just by going over that log before you start scouting again and to me its a way to relive all your best days in the stand and your sucessfull hunts.
My records that each year for the last 4 I have hunted less and less (I'll have to talk to the boss about this problem) but still the 4 year average is 137 hrs.