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How are the shot gunners doing?

And I wasn't specifically replying to your post:) and I am calm. I just love when somebody tells me that not every buck is going to be a booner and I'm confused about mature/ trophy deer. It actually made me smile while I typed that last reply.
spikers have the best back straps! A two year old basket rack may be a trophy to me or another hunter... Like stated before... Whether these two year old basket racks were killed on your neighbor property or across the state, they're not you're deer... A 100 inch basket rack may make a lot of hunters happy... T.V. Shows are destroying the traditions of hunting... Kill what you want with shotgun or bow and if you're happy with it, then I'm happy for you, give yourself a pat on the back and quit whining about what john smith and his deer hunting group killed!
You guys don't have it all bad...we've got the same issues going on in MN, except our gun season ran from NOVEMBER 8-16!!!! Yikes! I almost laugh (or puke) every time I think about this.
spikers have the best back straps! A two year old basket rack may be a trophy to me or another hunter... Like stated before... Whether these two year old basket racks were killed on your neighbor property or across the state, they're not you're deer... A 100 inch basket rack may make a lot of hunters happy... T.V. Shows are destroying the traditions of hunting... Kill what you want with shotgun or bow and if you're happy with it, then I'm happy for you, give yourself a pat on the back and quit whining about what john smith and his deer hunting group killed!

I'm assuming even after reading your post that a 2 year old basket rack is not a trophy to you. I don't mean typing about it I mean going hunting with that goal. Now I also know everyone's different, with access to land issues and being able to get enough time in the stand in our busy schedules and in the end if that makes you happy I'm all for it. My original post was about the shotgun groups in my neighborhood where I live targeting only bucks no matter how big. They could care less about any deer management and people in the group are filling more than their own tag so they obviously weren't happy and content with just the first basket rack they shot. Did you even read that. And who the hell is john smith?should I be looking out for him.
A few guys walking and posting on hundreds of acres is different than having a big one skirt you and box him in with a ton of guns.. I know its legal, just not my idea of a hunt. For those who think high fence hunting is the devil, the boxing in with tons of guns is just as bad.
Party hunting should be eliminated.. People can still push but sharing tags has been way abused. I know of farmers who don't hunt buy LOT tags for hunters during shotgun and the hunters use them on other properties.. But how is the DNR going to determine where that deer was shot when hunters are property hopping and having trucks drive around and pick up the deer.

Would be a win all the way around for everyone.
Shotgun hunters can still have their "tradition" of hunting with family and friends. There would be less deer being killed and people would be more apt to pick the deer they want to shoot win for bowhunters.
It's not the beer cans or the trespassing, the two way radios or shooting from the road, or even the large groups pushing the cover for me. It's all about the age of the bucks they kill and the absolute control they have on my next bow season. If the tradition included letting the three year old and younger bucks walk (or run), we would all have a more memorable tradition.

I haven't posted on here in a long time. But figured I would put in my 2 cents. I use to group hunt, may or may not have even done some of the things you guys are talking about. It was the way I was brought up. Didn't know any better. When the guys in our group got older and quit hunting, I turned to late muzz. While I agree about all the illegal things people do during shotgun season are not right, the age and size of the deer should really have nothing to do with right or wrong. If that is what that hunter wants to shoot then he is she has every right to shoot it. Do I also get a sick feeling, when a buck I may have been watching and waiting to kill till he matures, gets killed? Youre damn right. Do I have I'll feelings towards the hunter? No. He is also a HUNTER! Spending time outdoors, doing something they enjoy. We are all hunters even though we have different opinions. As someone stated before, Native Americans and "original" hunters did drives and did not kill for racks, so when thinking about what is "hunting" remember there are many different types and reasons for hunting.
Party hunting should be eliminated.. People can still push but sharing tags has been way abused. I know of farmers who don't hunt buy LOT tags for hunters during shotgun and the hunters use them on other properties.. But how is the DNR going to determine where that deer was shot when hunters are property hopping and having trucks drive around and pick up the deer. Would be a win all the way around for everyone. Shotgun hunters can still have their "tradition" of hunting with family and friends. There would be less deer being killed and people would be more apt to pick the deer they want to shoot win for bowhunters.

Honest to god the majority of problems would go away if Iowa would eliminate party hunting. It ranks up there was dog running deer hunting and high fence whitetail hunting.
I don't and won't for this very reason unless I shoot something big. This forum is place for pompous do gooders to make themselves feel better and pat themselves on the back for tremendous deer management.
If that's how you feel why are you here or even commenting?
Party hunting should be eliminated.. People can still push but sharing tags has been way abused. I know of farmers who don't hunt buy LOT tags for hunters during shotgun and the hunters use them on other properties.. But how is the DNR going to determine where that deer was shot when hunters are property hopping and having trucks drive around and pick up the deer. Would be a win all the way around for everyone. Shotgun hunters can still have their "tradition" of hunting with family and friends. There would be less deer being killed and people would be more apt to pick the deer they want to shoot win for bowhunters.

If you know this you should be calling the DNR.
You guys are a bunch of drama queens, shut the hell up and hunt. Quit whining, you're reminding me of the middle school girls fighting over a guy or something.
Party hunting should be eliminated.. People can still push but sharing tags has been way abused. I know of farmers who don't hunt buy LOT tags for hunters during shotgun and the hunters use them on other properties.. But how is the DNR going to determine where that deer was shot when hunters are property hopping and having trucks drive around and pick up the deer.

100% agree!!
Or you could "bait" them with a food plot, wait for frigid temperatures and shoot them from rifle range with a smoke pole!
LOL. This is my favorite line in the entire thread. It is simply because it showcases how some seem to feel that their way is the only way that is acceptable and this sarcastic line puts that right out there on the table.

I don't even know what to say about this thread but I know this, hunting is much more enjoyable to me when I don't worry about what other hunters choose to shoot. I like hunting older bucks but I sure don't begrudge the guy that likes shooting a deer. Threads like these are indeed ugly and they do indeed make it appear as TH stated a couple posts before me.
Party hunting should be eliminated.. People can still push but sharing tags has been way abused. I know of farmers who don't hunt buy LOT tags for hunters during shotgun and the hunters use them on other properties.. But how is the DNR going to determine where that deer was shot when hunters are property hopping and having trucks drive around and pick up the deer.

Would be a win all the way around for everyone.
Shotgun hunters can still have their "tradition" of hunting with family and friends. There would be less deer being killed and people would be more apt to pick the deer they want to shoot win for bowhunters.
The reason for shotgun hunting and party hunting is to keep the numbers in check so by not shooting as many deer wouldn't this present a problem? It's not all about the bow hunters you know! Seems that most hunters want to see more and bigger deer every time they go out including myself, but with the high deer numbers comes disease and the deer still have to eat year around which causes issues if you're a farmer.
I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, so back to the topic....anybody have any reports from Boone county? I haven't heard anything around here
I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, so back to the topic....anybody have any reports from Boone county? I haven't heard anything around here

Seems like more and more ground is being bought and sold, there for less "big" parcels are being able to be successfully hunted from the shotgun groups. I haven't hardly heard of anything real big killed. I went for a drive on Sunday and only saw one group out and about.
LOL. This is my favorite line in the entire thread. It is simply because it showcases how some seem to feel that their way is the only way that is acceptable and this sarcastic line puts that right out there on the table. I don't even know what to say about this thread but I know this, hunting is much more enjoyable to me when I don't worry about what other hunters choose to shoot. I like hunting older bucks but I sure don't begrudge the guy that likes shooting a deer. Threads like these are indeed ugly and they do indeed make it appear as TH stated a couple posts before me.

Yep, I can't sleep at night because I'm too busy worrying about how the neighbor hunts. Nail on the head. I honestly don't care how people hunt or even why they hunt. I do however voice my opinions wether they are with or against the grain. Bottom line is party hunting and shotgun season are not going anywhere and I know that. People can gripe and complain all they want but next year first weekend of December I will throw on the Orange, dust off the 1187 and once again head out to the timber along with many others. Maybe I will see a few of you driving around patrolling your properties and trying to keep your deer contained. I will be the guy smiling and waving!
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