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How are the shot gunners doing?


Active Member
I talked to a couple groups of six around Harrison county and they are having a tough time of it. 1 group had one nice buck and the other haven't got any this second season. Not seeing the numbers. Just wondering what everyone else is hearing?
I talked to a couple groups of six around Harrison county and they are having a tough time of it. 1 group had one nice buck and the other haven't got any this second season. Not seeing the numbers. Just wondering what everyone else is hearing?

Group around me shot all 1 1/2 year old bucks and a couple does first season
I think the warmer temps and no snow gave the first season guys a rough time up here and the fog has to really be screwing up the second season guys.
We filled 4 of 14 tags. Surprised by the number of deer we seen (a lot). Lots of young bucks and does. I think the warm weather so far has made the hunting more difficult.
First season my group shot 3, saw lots of deer, just hard to get to them... Second season, the people around my farms were blasting away... we ended up with 3 does, passed all bucks... we are done, as we do not need anymore meat.. the rest of our tags will be left empty... now I will be going on bunny and squirrel patrol... fog today kept people quiet at least...
Our group of 7 filled 10 tags off 4 properties (about 600 acres total) in 2 days. Average to good for us. 3 bucks, 2 button bucks, 5 does. Populations not at max but decent. Saw about 50 more.
Reported number before end of first season was 3700 deer. Don't know the final count or stats so far for second season.
Looks like the harvest report jumped up about 10,000 deer since the the day before 2nd gun season.
I go as more of a family tradition than anything, but we have fun with our family group of 7 people.
We shot 9 deer and were done at 10:30 this morning. 8 does and a 140" 10 with 1/4" brows. It was fun as usual.
I actually filled 7 tags and me and my brother both shot at the exact same time on the 8th deer, not sure who actually put her down.
We saw quite a few deer but it seemed like i was a deer magnet and the older fellas wanted their tags fillled so i had free reign to shoot.
My uncle still has his statewide and a landowner tag so i might get out and film him next weekend
With the heavy fog and warm temps our group hardly saw anything. First time I have ever sat that long without seeing a single deer. Lots of shooting from public land right next to us though. I had a couple shot zing past my head and one hit the tree next to me. That was it for me for the day with that fog I couldn't see who was shooting.
Our group filled 14 of 50 tags purchased 7 bucks and 7 does and that is over 9 different properties- we had decent numbers but let every young buck go and already chose to only take 1 doe per property for the season- obviously didn't hit that mark but was happy with the year. Freezers filled for everyone that needed it and a left many tags unfilled
Our group filled 14 of 50 tags purchased 7 bucks and 7 does and that is over 9 different properties- we had decent numbers but let every young buck go and already chose to only take 1 doe per property for the season- obviously didn't hit that mark but was happy with the year. Freezers filled for everyone that needed it and a left many tags unfilled

Did you really have 50 tags or is that a typo? If so how big is the group you hunt with?
Good friend from back home goes with a group every year to Harrison County. Shot this beast on one of the last drives they did. This was the 3rd push thru the same timber. They said this buck tried to walk the opposite way they were pushing to try and back track the direction they were heading but they caught him doing it. They scored him low 190's. And that was with a broken right beam. Awesome deer.
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Is that another tine comming off his left by the G2? and did that happen to be state ground? just wondering.
Good friend from back home goes with a group every year to Harrison County. Shot this beast on one of the last drives they did. This was the 3rd push thru the same timber. They said this buck tried to walk the opposite way they were pushing to try and back track the direction they were heading but they caught him doing it. They scored him low 190's. And that was with a broken right beam. Awesome deer.

That buck is a toad. Great mass and length. Congrats to the hunter.
Did you really have 50 tags or is that a typo? If so how big is the group you hunt with?

We had 11 guys in our group- and we hunt in 4 different counties I personally had 2 doe tags for ringgold- 2 for union- 1 for Clarke and 1 for Dallas- that is 6 right there - we had 9 buck tags in the group and 41 doe tags Not a typo- we purchase that many every year and most go unfilled - most guys in the group had a tag for 3 of the 4 counties we hunted in- they add up pretty quick
Is that another tine comming off his left by the G2? and did that happen to be state ground? just wondering.

Yes it's another time coming off the back side of the beam. Probably an 8 inch tine or so. Not sure if it was state ground or not.
We shot a smaller 8 and a doe this weekend. Lots of does, we did miss 3 good bucks! Hopefully this coming weekend turns up!
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