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How far do you drive to bowhunt?

"usually anywhere from 5-20 min.. but that is changing fast."

Airassault, did you buy a Corvette or something? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

I always rent a house by my land within a couple minutes. Someday I'll build something!
45 min. right now. It is tuff with kids and only gets harder when they get involved with activities. Spent alot of saturday mornings watching football and basketball games in the fall and winter. It still is hard in the spring getting out to turkey hunt due to baseball every day but at least football now is on the weekdays and the older one is also deer hunting with the younger one behind him in a few years.
Good words of advice from all - I'm very lucky with my wife as well since she is into the outdoors and she knew well in advance of us getting married that I had this sickness. We're already trying to figure out how to get her in the duck blind this fall since all of our family isn't close enough to watch our little guy for a few hour hunt but she won't go out alone either like I will. Pretty sure I've heard Love Chicken talk about pampering the wife before....I gotta do more of that for sure.

It eases my mind to know that 40 miles is nothing if it's ground that's worth it compared to what some of you drive and manage to still stay married. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

Can't wait until our little man is old enough to tag along with dad, then I have no excuse but to take him with!

Ghost - believe me, your reasoning for your land is spot on...I wish I could pull that off.
I have a 15-30 minute drive.

As far as a wife with kids I have a great one also. The only thing I will add is compromise in season also. We have a 6 year old, 5, and almost 2. I would love to get a chance to hunt Halloween night, but that is reserved for them. the wife always takes a 3 day shopping marithon with her mom an aunts the 2nd weekend in november. I just add those days into the hunting vacation and I stay at home with the kids, even though it is "primetime" In return she holds down the fort the rest of the hunting seasons, with only minor complaining, like, "What is your problem, why can't you get one".
90 miles to my farm as I thought I would move back one day to SE Iowa. I work in Ceadr Rapids and have a house in Coralville but my girlfriend lives in CR and I am here most days. Still, I drive down 2x/wk to plant, scout, shoot etc. I have areas in CR Mt.Pleasant and although I gave it up, Van Buren, which was a long trip. Again, I think finding the right gal is important as I have lost a couple along the way, spending more on trips out of state and land than a ring /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif We are fortunate to live here and I don't mind the drive,I knew what I was in for when I signed those papers but I love where I'm from and wanted land there versus northern IA. I crank up the country and gives me time to think on the drive as well. Hopefully like Ghost I'll build one day down near my home.
I drive anywhere from an hour to 2 hours away. We have access to alot of different property all the way from Van Buren county to Madison county. This year I don't know how picky I'm going to be with the fuel prices the way they are.
Half mile to 25 miles... my wife hunts with me, so we have no problems, grandmas do quite a bit of evening baby sitting during Nov.
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