my rich daddy..started from scratch with 3 of his brothers to form a company..and now they own a couple thousand acres worth millions of dollars so that makes us rich? i guess it does then in your eyes. Having money has nothing to do with owning land or gaining land to hunt on. We have permission to hunt a 120 of our neighbors and a 40 of anothers. 160 more acres to hunt. plus 160 public acres next to us..hell, we havent lost any. gained alot. In fact, if we lost any land to hunt on, it was because the GOVERNMENT bought a thousand some acres next to us and made it no hunting. yeah, those NR's are hard on hunting land. All 6000 of them that get tags YEAR AFTER YEAR. you guys are pretty nieve to blame all your land loss to on residents. I guess if you think owning alot of land and giving tags to large land owners is bad and favors the rich, i guess i could care less what you have to say. Some people have worked for their money. Took risks and put in the hours to be successful.
And yes, we let 2 people that are not family in every year to bowhunt. If it wasn't for them being so trustworth and awesome people to have hunting with you, then it would be 0 people. you can't trust anyone in this area. I spent every weekend in October and most of november repairing fences taken down by neighbors to let their ATV's in, i chased out the neighbors cattle, and i took down tresspassers's treestands. Thats why we don't like to have other people hunt our land. During shotgun season theres a bunch of guys that hunt with us, a couple old neighbor guys and their nephews. People we can trust. until you have tresspassing problems and trust issues with neighbors, then i really don't think you're competent enough to comment on the situation. and like i said earlier, i dont think the massive hordes of NR's(all 6000 of them) are taking all of your land. You can blame Realtree and all the magazines fueld by big bucks for that. More people seeing the potential for their land to make money and if it pays for the taxes or helps pay the bills, they'll generally do it.