Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

How many acres have you lost?

I always try to stay positive on this site. With that said, I think you need to sit back, Oh...say 5 to 10 years and let yourself mature a little before you make anymore comments. You really haven't made any good points what-so-ever. However, you have came across very immature, selfish, and basically rude to all on this board. We generally don't have much fighting on this board and 99% of our disagreements are handled with tactful, well thought out, respectful comments, and refrain from name calling. If you could abide by these basic principles we all would appreciate it.

Consider yourself very fortunate to have what you have. Be thankful for that and please respect the members of this site and the residents of the state of Iowa. Most of them don't own a 1000 acres and are just trying to keep a good thing going with what they do have access to.
Best regards
I gave back the rights to the landowner on 8000 acres. Someone else wanted it worse than I did. I have never "lost" any land. Ie, you cant lose what was never yours in the first place. Its like you loaning me your truck free of charge and I keep it and use it for five years. Just when I am really liking it, you come and take it from me and sell it to someone. I could pitch a fit because you had the nerve to sell or lease "my" truck, or I could say thank you for all the years of "free" use. I should have been saving my money all those years you were making my truck payment so I could buy or lease my own truck. AGREE? Land is no different. There is no "free" hunting. Someone is paying for the ground you hunt on. The landowner, or the taxpayers if you hunt public land, but someone pays. This whole concept of "losing ground" to someone else is bogus.
I understand and respect your point. I, as much as anyone, understand that land use is a privilege, and my permission to hunt on it is completely at the discretion of the landowner. In the past when I have lost permission to hunt land, I haven’t blamed the owner for robbing me of a right, or whined about the Lessee who arranged his priorities so he could pay $2000 a year to hunt. Speaking only for myself, I have never considered hunting “free†and have always tried to pay “dues†through chores, gifts, etc. I think it’s a stretch to think anyone feels they have ‘lost land’ – only that they have lost permission. When this happens enough it gets frustrating. You’re truck analogy doesn’t fit here – no one sees permission to hunt as an entitlement and nobody denies the owner use of the land when they hunt it. You are exactly right,however, I could scrimp and save and sacrifice and arrange my priorities so that I can lease or buy land. But to me, when hunting becomes an “auction†it will loose a lot of luster.

!!!!!!!!!! NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!!!

Been happening for many, many years and it happens everywhere - some of you in Iowa are just now realizing it. I hate that it is rearing it's ugly head to some of you, but it was bound to happen.

Recreational land is worth more here in MS then ag land - if thats not the case already in other states, it will be your lifetime.

You guys can continue to blame the NR's for loss of hunting land, rising property values, etc., etc. - but I've been around the wildife management/wildlife buisness game long enough to know what's going on, so your not gonna influence me with all the NR propoganda. I took offense to it once, but I realize and understand why you guys do it and frankly if I were in the same boat I would be right there with you. But for what. I was once a resident of Iowa and will be again before all is said and done. Will I be buying up land or causing any of you current residents to lose your hunting access? No, I'm a middle class individual so I'll either be hunting the same lands my family and friends have been hunting since I moved away 21 years ago or be hunting public land like I've been relagated to doing here for the most part.

On a side note - if I hear that BS line one more time about "if you wanna hunt Iowa so much why don't you just move here" I fear I will almost certainly have to go "drive the ceramic school bus". Anyone who uses that kind of logic - just plain and simple - does not have a clue!! If you said it and I offended you - goes with the territory. Now back to the topic at hand.

When I was living and growing up in Iowa seemed each year we would lose a little pheasant hutning land but ironilcally I would gain more land for trapping. Was it some NR from some far off state that no one knew who was buying up all the ag land and enrolling it into govt. programs to pay for it?? Nope - local man with a good buisness sense and the foresight to know that one day he would see a huge return on his investment. He passed away a few years ago and his son now owns some of the finest upland bird hunting property in Cass County - and alot of it!!

No different here in MS. We used to have access to 1,000's of acres to duck hunt. Locals began to see that people were willing to pay for the hunting rights (residents and NR's alike) so we began to lose access. And take careful notice I said "hunting rights" not trophy white-tail hunting rights. Point being - it's not just about a trophy deer - it affects all facets of hunting and outdoor recreation!

People - it's all about the almighty $$. The IDNR knows it, what is taking you so long to figure it out?. You can say you'll quit hunting when it comes to that or whatever it is that most of you say - truth is IT'S ALREADY HERE!!!! I have never paid for a hunt and hope that I never do. But I can't say that if it comes down to it I never will. Fortunatley being in the buisness I am - access to hunting sometimes is a part of it.

I've said it before - I am for you guys. But I really don't have any answers for what's going on there. All I know is money talks and BS walks - deny it if you want - but thats a fact my friends. My philosohpy for years has been this "the rich are getting richer and the rest of us - well we have to have a big imagination." Do I hate the rich guys for buying up land and taking away my access - no it's not in me to hate someone for being successfull. Do I wish things were different - you bet yer arse!! Guess I'm just a realist.

One fianl thing - you guys need to take a hard look at who is buying and/or leasing all the recreational land. I would venture to say it would suprise you to know who it is and furthermore I would bet that the absentee landowner/NR sector is a very small percentage.
Let's see, you said if you were in our shoes you would be doing the same thing. You also say you wish things were different. Well, we are trying to keep things different than they are everywhere else. That's why this whole argument is taking place. I hope we do win this fight. That way when you do move back, you will still have that place to hunt that your family used to hunt. If we lose, you can bet the "lost farm" that we will be sitting across from each other and tons of other displaced hunters on what little public ground that we have.

Bottom line is that most folks as you say have been dealing with this problem for a long time. Seems as if they want to see us buried too so they can feel a little better about their situtation. Success breeds enemies and that is exactly what has happened with some of the n.r.'s.

I got a side note to:
If you want to enjoy the hunting way of life that we have here in IA, move here. Until then, draw a tag like you would in any other well managed hunting area and enjoy your stay in IA.
On a side note - if I hear that BS line one more time about "if you wanna hunt Iowa so much why don't you just move here" I fear I will almost certainly have to go "drive the ceramic school bus". Anyone who uses that kind of logic - just plain and simple - does not have a clue!!

[/ QUOTE ]
HC- just clarify for me why? Isn't this a free country, live where you like, and make your own choices?
Deerslayer 37 and Hcsafari, I have seen your type on this sight before, you won't last long, eventually it seems like your type will get tired of whizzing in the wind. And if you didn't know it, that is exactly what you are doing. Me, I'm done with this pissin match, I think I'll read about big white-tails. Good hunting.
Yes pharmer it certainly is a free country and isn't it great? The best matter of fact!

To clarify -

Live where you like? To be honest if I lived where I liked, I would be in Iowa. But to live in Iowa I would leave behind a great job a beautiful wife and 2 of the most beautiful girls thatGod ever blessed anyone with. So I think I'll stay where I'm at even though given my drethers, I'd have a family and raise my children in Iowa.

That being said - put yourself in my shoes or anyone elses shoes who grew up in Iowa, but for reasons unkown have had to move away, but still long to hunt with family and friends in Iowa without going bankrupt. Better yet just do this - consider moving out of state - no ryhmn or reason - just so it - nuff said.

As for making my own choices, that is simple - I choose to live where I am and have the desire to hunt where YOU are. That good enough for you?

All kidding aside pharmer - that statement is just a cop-out from the real issues at ahnd. It is not as simple as picking up a family and moving to Iowa - if it was we would'nt be having this conversation - we'd be sitting arounf dringkin adult beverages and watching Field of Dreams.
Silvertip - At the risk of being fair I will disregard pretty much everything you said with the exception of your side note.

You can bet I will have a place to hunt as long as I desire to come there and hunt. The people that own or have access to those lands that allow me to hunt there have the same values and morals as I do and the same train of thought concerning the "NR". Furthermore, should I decide to want to come there and hunt, I will defenitely put in for a tag "like everyone else" to hunt your "well managed" (funny there are 9 million threads on how the Iowa deer herd has been so "well managed") land. And make no mistake about it - I will enjoy my stay - I'll be at home.
Guess what, you can buy an over the counter license right around Christmas time when you are back hunting with family and friends for around $50. What more do you want?
We have all made choices, and we have to live with them. The residents of this state certainly don't owe anything to those that have made the decision to pack up and move. I understand what you are saying, but it certainly doesn't justify the state of IA needing to change it's game laws. You chose what was most important to you and I don't blame you. A wonderful family, as I am sure you have, is much greater than any hunt. Enjoy your family, and one day when you come back I hope all you have to do is knock on a door or two and start putting up stands.
My "type"??? Can you read or do you just write? I have always tried to be as objective and truthful as possible.

If I offended you with anything I said, then I am sorry.

This is certainly not a "pissing match to me". I thought it was dialogue in which we were all at freedom to express our views and opinions (Damn, did I "whizz" on my own shoe?)

If that was what you just did in your last post - then thats fine - I don't have to agree - I only have to respect it.
I tell ya what HC I will let you hunt all my land you want for a trade off for a southern duck hunt any day of the week, personally I would rather shoot ducks all day long than a deer, wish Iowa was over populated with ducks instead of bucks personally then we wouldn't have this big issue and I would be in paradise. I am sure you have plenty of land to hunt but I would take ya on mine for one of them duck hunts lol what do ya say lol

Hey Nobber -

I have plenty of places to hunt in Iowa should I decide to come, but thank you for the invite - consider it an open invitaion to come down and duck hunt. Our duck season has been pretty sorry for the past 3 years, but judging from what my buddy in Council Bluffs tells me, we still have some great duck hunting comparitavely speaking. He comes down every year in January for a week to duck hunt and if you seriously want to come I'll hook you guys up.
Wow – the post started off innocently enough. I admit I must have been naïve to think it was more a commentary on limited resources, the reduction in access, and the trend towards leasing, then a stab at NRs. If that’s the case, I’ll just stay out of it – have too much respect for this site. But before I step aside (and this has nothing to do with NRs!):


I get, I understand, I saw it coming. Land is limited and money will eventually play a significant role in our opportunities to hunt. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean I don’t get it. Death is far more inevitable, but that doesn’t mean I will lie down, roll over, and wait for it to come. I will resist it, do what I can to delay it, and then succumb to it only when I have to.
It was pretty terrible this year if you ask me, I didn't make it out much I only went 4 times all year opening day was worth it we killed 28 with 7 people 14 woodys 3 mallards and the rest teal. shot 6 the next time and 3 the last two times. I can just imagine huntin down there in some of them flooded timbers and them ducks just dropping like bombs down on ya or in them flooded rice fields yall got down there. everything froze up too earlier this year hell it was froze up midway through november when the mallards start movin. what kinda huntin do ya all do down there flooded timber, boats with blinds, blinds on land whatever it is i am sure your duck huntin down there would be about like what deer huntin is here to out of staters to me is my guess, you don't have to worry bout me purchasing any land I will guarrentee that lol I might have to think bout that offer what time of the year dot he mallards get done that way?
Silvertip - your right about the $50.00 Home for the Holidays tag - it's a great opportunity and I will probably take advantage of it one day.

What more do I want - well, it's been covered in other posts so to keep it short and sweet - as a NR I don't want to be lumped in with all the poachers and "temptation tag" users, be THE #1 PROBLEM with whitetail hunting in the State of Iowa. Unfortunatley I am and especially when I express opinions. But I am pretty thick-skinned so the majority of it runs off.

I just believe whether it's in Iowa, Mississippi, Texas or wherever - as ethical sportsmenand women we should all be striving for the same thing - not fighting over it. We'll all have to fight that fight soon enough.
Fletch...I appreciate your opinions, and sympathize with your plight. Look no further than your Iowa legislature for someone to blame and someone who could help. Perhaps the organized groups like IBA should start a campaign to lobby the legislature for more public land. What have they squandered your taxpayer dollars for all these years to leave the state virtually void of public lands? Your property taxes are relatively high, so revenue should be there. There are accountability issues here with the state government. IOWANS DESERVE PUBLIC LAND LIKE EVERY OTHER STATE! There is a WHOLE COUNTY near me that is over 75% public! Iowa deserves that just as much as N.C.. Sorry for the ranting, but it just makes me sick to see politicians get by with this. This is the reason you have no place to hunt, and the reason I cant get a tag. Good post, good question, and work needs to be done.
!!!!!!!!!! NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!!!

Been happening for many, many years and it happens everywhere - some of you in Iowa are just now realizing it. I hate that it is rearing it's ugly head to some of you, but it was bound to happen.

Recreational land is worth more here in MS then ag land - if thats not the case already in other states, it will be your lifetime.

You guys can continue to blame the NR's for loss of hunting land, rising property values, etc., etc. - but I've been around the wildife management/wildlife buisness game long enough to know what's going on, so your not gonna influence me with all the NR propoganda. I took offense to it once, but I realize and understand why you guys do it and frankly if I were in the same boat I would be right there with you. But for what. I was once a resident of Iowa and will be again before all is said and done. Will I be buying up land or causing any of you current residents to lose your hunting access? No, I'm a middle class individual so I'll either be hunting the same lands my family and friends have been hunting since I moved away 21 years ago or be hunting public land like I've been relagated to doing here for the most part.

On a side note - if I hear that BS line one more time about "if you wanna hunt Iowa so much why don't you just move here" I fear I will almost certainly have to go "drive the ceramic school bus". Anyone who uses that kind of logic - just plain and simple - does not have a clue!! If you said it and I offended you - goes with the territory. Now back to the topic at hand.

When I was living and growing up in Iowa seemed each year we would lose a little pheasant hutning land but ironilcally I would gain more land for trapping. Was it some NR from some far off state that no one knew who was buying up all the ag land and enrolling it into govt. programs to pay for it?? Nope - local man with a good buisness sense and the foresight to know that one day he would see a huge return on his investment. He passed away a few years ago and his son now owns some of the finest upland bird hunting property in Cass County - and alot of it!!

No different here in MS. We used to have access to 1,000's of acres to duck hunt. Locals began to see that people were willing to pay for the hunting rights (residents and NR's alike) so we began to lose access. And take careful notice I said "hunting rights" not trophy white-tail hunting rights. Point being - it's not just about a trophy deer - it affects all facets of hunting and outdoor recreation!

People - it's all about the almighty $$. The IDNR knows it, what is taking you so long to figure it out?. You can say you'll quit hunting when it comes to that or whatever it is that most of you say - truth is IT'S ALREADY HERE!!!! I have never paid for a hunt and hope that I never do. But I can't say that if it comes down to it I never will. Fortunatley being in the buisness I am - access to hunting sometimes is a part of it.

I've said it before - I am for you guys. But I really don't have any answers for what's going on there. All I know is money talks and BS walks - deny it if you want - but thats a fact my friends. My philosohpy for years has been this "the rich are getting richer and the rest of us - well we have to have a big imagination." Do I hate the rich guys for buying up land and taking away my access - no it's not in me to hate someone for being successfull. Do I wish things were different - you bet yer arse!! Guess I'm just a realist.

One fianl thing - you guys need to take a hard look at who is buying and/or leasing all the recreational land. I would venture to say it would suprise you to know who it is and furthermore I would bet that the absentee landowner/NR sector is a very small percentage.

[/ QUOTE ]

DING DING DING JOHNNY WE HAVE A WINNER! I think you said this very well. if Iowan residents would read this with an open mind and try to comprehend that its possible that the NR's arent a bunch of rich fools buying your land and closing the hunt for all.
180- What have they squandered your taxpayer dollars for all these years to leave the state virtually void of public lands?

Oh, let see, schools, roads, healthcare, stuff like that. It is my understanding, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, that absolutely $0 of tax money goes to the Iowa DNR. The IDNR is entirely funded by user fees such as licenses, park fees, donations, etc. Which, by the way, is precisely why your tag costs $320 and may be going up.

Now, I know what your response will be, "see, you guys need my $1000 NR tag to buy some public ground so you'll have somewhere to hunt".

So here is my response to that theory ahead of time: No, I dont need it. The guys who used to hunt the farms you bought might, but I dont. And I'd like to keep it that way. I understand we need more public land, but not at the cost of shutting down private ground to get it.

What we need is exactly what we have. Sensible NR quotas that discourage vast numbers of NR's from purchasing ground which will force us onto public ground. I like the current set-up. I believe that eventually, as demand for those 6K tags rises and rises, the one in 5 or worse odds of drawing a tag will level out the purchasing, price, and leasing of land, at least by NR's. That is, IF we keep the current NR tag system in tact.
We also need a resonable increase in resident tag price to fund the DNR. When the DNR isnt forced to sell themselves to the NR for the $$, they will quit requesting that the legislators increase NR quotas. Simple as that.

I have nothing against NR's at all. Its not about that. I hunted WY twice for antelope, had to draw a $300 lottery tag both times, never complained to anybody about it. In fact, I was just happy to be there, not overrun by other hunters. Limited qotas do that.
I can read just fine Hc. I have read all of your posts. In fact, I have read all I want to read from you. That is why I have recently clicked on your profile and clicked on ignore this user. Now, at least I can enjoy the site without your repetitive sarcasm and hostility. Later
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