Fortunately, knock on wood, I've yet to miss a buck. However, on two occasions last year while taking the 30 minute long treck to my spot during the rut, I did have two amazing encounters with a 160" ten and 180"plus nontypical. It seems every morning I make that drive to the farm, it's like running the gauntlet! You never know when one will pop out in the road in front of you! Talk about the show of a lifetime, these deer were no more than 30 yards away from our now "stopped truck" and with our brights on, it's as if they knew they were "on stage" putting on a show for us taking their good old time dogging does back and forth across the county roads we were on. Knowing perfectly well it wasn't legal shooting time yet, they trotted off out of range of our brights and into the woods. Those two encounters lasted around 30 seconds each. Talk about getting pumped up, my father, brother-in-law, buddy from work and myself were all in the truck with our jaws on the floor. Unfortunately, those two sitings happened to be during a full moon, and based on the rest of day on both of those occasions, they must have done all their running around at night under that full moon, b/c we didn't see a whole lot of anything the rest of the day. Still a great day nontheless!