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How many people have missed a Booner?

Last year, missed a 11 pt that ended up getting shot by a neighbor later in the bow season that scored 178. I missed him @ 10 yd, arrow hit a tiny limb and I had shot under him anyways I think. I rattled him in and everything, not a good memory!
Shotgun season a number of years ago an absolute monster gave me a broadside shot standing still at under 40 yards. To this day I have no good comprehension of how I missed but I did. Dark chocolate antlers that spread wide and tall. Brow tines a miniumum of 8 inches long. His snout was grey with age and he had the biggest neck I have seen on a deer on the hoof. Good thing I have blocked the memory completely out of my mind
Two years ago I was hunting one of my favorite spots just outside of a large cedar thicket, the sign in this area is always tremendous and I have harvested two nice bucks out from this stand. Anyhow, it was Nov. 10th and I had already passed up a 130" 8 pointer that I had let go about 6 times that year, he hit the same scrape everytime I got in the stand. The wind was out of the south and the only wind possible for this particular stand. Just before 4:00 I heard a loud crack 100 yds or so off in the timber and thought to myself was that a deer hitting his rack on the cedars. 10 minutes later I hear the snapping of twigs and a deer coming in on a mission. I stand and finally catch a glance of him at 30 yds (small burm kept him out of sight until then). 20 yds away and 2 steps from a shooting lane, I get ready to draw, move my back foot about 2" to get a bit more comfortable and the stand lets out a squuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk. I now have a deer pushing 200" froze in his tracks @ 20yds with no way to get an arrow in him. He stands there for about 60 seconds and then calmly turns and walks off the same direction he came. He never busted me in the tree but knew something was up. He was a main frame 10 with with easily 40-50" of junk on his right side. Beautiful animal and never saw or heard of him again.

Fortunately, knock on wood, I've yet to miss a buck. However, on two occasions last year while taking the 30 minute long treck to my spot during the rut, I did have two amazing encounters with a 160" ten and 180"plus nontypical. It seems every morning I make that drive to the farm, it's like running the gauntlet! You never know when one will pop out in the road in front of you! Talk about the show of a lifetime, these deer were no more than 30 yards away from our now "stopped truck" and with our brights on, it's as if they knew they were "on stage" putting on a show for us taking their good old time dogging does back and forth across the county roads we were on. Knowing perfectly well it wasn't legal shooting time yet, they trotted off out of range of our brights and into the woods. Those two encounters lasted around 30 seconds each. Talk about getting pumped up, my father, brother-in-law, buddy from work and myself were all in the truck with our jaws on the floor. Unfortunately, those two sitings happened to be during a full moon, and based on the rest of day on both of those occasions, they must have done all their running around at night under that full moon, b/c we didn't see a whole lot of anything the rest of the day. Still a great day nontheless!
Only big one I missed I had the 30 yard pin on him and decided that he was closer so I put the 20 yarder on him and I shot low. A week later the same buck was in the back of the truck with a 12 yard shot. Just luck I guess
I guess I have missed or haven't found 2.

When I was 12 yrs old my dad was doing a small drive to me during 1st shotgun season. "He told me now these deer will probably be running so make sure you lead them". Sure enough 10 deer came running by w/ the one in back a 170" 10 pt typ. frame w/ kickers off the 2's, and double drops. A Giant! Well I lead him allright but I wasn't told that you weren't supposed to lead them when the deer is only 7 paces away.

Got revenge on a double drop in 2004 though.

The next deer I was bowhunting in 2003 when a doe came crashing by w/ a 180" 10 pt typ. following. I grunted at him twice before yelling "hey". He was stopped 3 yds off the base of my tree and I let the arrow go. It stuck right behind the shoulder and just on the side of the spine. Half the arrow was sticking out as well w/ the other half in him..
Went back the next morning and found no blood or any sign of him at all. I searched for 3 days and never found any sign of him.
My heart-break story is not about a miss but a close encounter with the biggest buck I've ever seen from a stand. It was opening day of pheasant season back in 97. I had a high stand in an old oak overlooking a CRP field and a picked corn field. At first light the shot guns were blazing at ring-necks and my anticipation was high. It was really cold and I can still see his frosty rack as it cleared the rise in the picked corn. His breath looked like smoke. The bird hunters had jumped him from a block of brush north of me and he was headed directly to me! I got in position as he slowed his trot and figured he may stop at the giant scrape just inside the timber line. This would be my best angle for a shot. He put on the brakes at about 50 yards and gave a hard stare towards my location but at the ground level. My heart sunk as I looked down to see a black lab coming down the fence line right to my tree. Another group of hunters were hunting the neighboring property but the dog didn't know the boundaries.
It must have been windy that day to because I remember my eyes getting real watery. I think I even had to use my sleeve a couple times.
So it goes I guess.
Shot one my first year out...couldn't find him. He looked like a magazine cover. A few years ago, I had one bust me as I was getting ready to draw. I know that he would have been well over 200". My dad missed him at 25 yards the next day. Shot right under him. Never saw that buck again.
Bowhunting 2006. Rattled in a monster. Missed a perfect broadside shot at 25 yards. Just got nervous and clipped the hair off his back. Guy shot it in rifle season and I heard it had 19pts, 24" inside spread, and an arrow hole through the top of its back....yeah, that was mine. Probably the sickest I've ever felt in the stand
Missed one for sure first deer i ever shot at with my bow was a 180 12pt and shot and hit the dirt in front of him! Missed 2 others that would come very close to Booner. Wounded a booner last year and never found him....
Yes I have! November 20th 2004 and caught it all on tape. A mere 21 yards away and I bounce an arrow off the top of his back.




Maybe one of you guys could enlarge the photos.

I whiffed one with my muzzleloader 4 yrs ago - since I was shaking soooo bad with buck fever - and I had wet powder with another just 2 yrs back

I thought I was cursed for awhile.
I whiffed one with my muzzleloader 4 yrs ago - since I was shaking soooo bad with buck fever - and I had wet powder with another just 2 yrs back

I thought I was cursed for awhile.

[/ QUOTE ]

How far away were they Avid?
I have missed two probable booners. DOn't really want to talk about it except that to say one was NonTyp in 1989 in Iowa and the other was a typ in 2005 in Kansas that was really close to 170 if not over. I have seen probably two dozen of them in 34 years of bowhunting and it makes me sick to think that the only two I actually had a shot at, I blew the shot.

I am not going to talk about this any more.
last year, I got out of my stand about 10am . I was walking toward my truck when I feel like I'm being watched.. sure enough I was. I was being watched by a 12 point I had been seeing the last couple weeks.. he was standing 40 yards away watching me walk by like I was no big deal... Did I mention he would prob. score 190's.. he starts walking toward me and gets broad side at 30 yards.. keep in mind I am standing in the middle of a picked bean field and so is he.. I draw back, he starts to walk away so I let one rip.. my arrow hit the gound at his feet.. I don't know what i did, most certainly buck fever.. Thanks for making me re-live it... On a ligher note! I have him on camera again this year!
When I first started archery hunting I was more of a turkey hunter than a deer hunter and I had spied a flock of turks out in a field and then slipped down into a nearby brushy creek bottom to close the distance before I tried to bust them up. It had rained hard and was quiet in the woods and I was trying hard to be sneaky with the turks only about 100 yards away, etc.

Well I about crapped when a doe snorted at me from about 10 yards away that I hadn't even seen. There standing next to her was still to this day the biggest live buck I have ever seen. For the most he was not alarmed. I froze because I didn't want to scare the turkeys, I could have had a point blank shot at a buck that I didn't even know enough to know how big he was. Effectively, I passed him up because of the nearby turks! When he finally did trot off I remember him slipping as he went to jump the creek and he landed chest first on the other bank, still only 10-12 yards away, and was momentarily laying there as he regained his footing. I never did get one of those stupid turks!! I am pretty sure that big boy was WELL in excess of 200"!!! Little did I know that 20 or so years later I have yet to see one as big as him. I never even drew back, let alone let one fly.

I have also gagged the shot on two different bucks that would very likely gross Boone or something close enough to it over the years and I also remember every detail like it was yesterday like some others. Oh well!
I've missed 2 bucks that'd go over 160 (one with bow and one with gun), but never missed a booner. I was hunting a buck 4 years ago that'd gross 190 as a 10 pointer, saw him 3 times and had him at 45 yards. I didn't miss him, but I'm sure I would've if he came any closer
I have never felt buck fever anything like that night... 45 yards standing in place for almost 20 minutes.
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