IMO - it does mess up the deer. I think a lot of guys DON'T REALIZE they are messing up the mature bucks, educating them.
For instance, you leave your scent in a core area- it doesn't matter if it's from HUNTING vs CHECKING A TRAIL CAM. Or you bump the deer going in and out of a spot.
Of course you aren't going to spook ALL the deer or ALL the big bucks BUT I believe this extra pressure does far more harm than folks realize.
My solution is I run a few in areas that I don't really hunt- I put them off the road 50 yards for example. I use them for entertainment and INVENTORY purposes only. Less pressure the better!!!!! Like I said, I don't think MOST guys realize that they are doing damage.
That's just my opinion /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
*Inventory of deer is VERY VALUABLE at targeting a mature buck though!!! **Whatever works for folks is great, I just think alot are messing things up and they don't even realize it.