The one thing is we do have land in what I would call a super neighborhood and have the best of it locked up for ourselves through tons of hard work and sacafrice to get where we are today. None of it was given to us or handed to us on silver platter. Not every one can make this happen I understand, but I sacrificed other things and sometimes struggle in between paychecks just so I can make my dreams happen.
So bottom line outfitter or not it really doesn't matter if you have the right situation.
We have outfitters hunt our fence lines non stop and you can watch the (big deer) deer trails go around these areas as a norm.
Sometimes we wonder if we should bring in a group of guys for a one week a year bow hunt to help in paying the bills on the properties, cabin, equipment, fertilizer and food plot seed, but at the end of the day I would rather donate a hunt to the make a wish foundation for a kid or disabled vet before I sold out and commercialized our sport even more.