What’s current rates of some really good land consultants? The range maybe?? Any variables like travel & amount of days & size of farm???
I might do a few a year as folks ask me. Very limited. Just a few. Ive done a few every year for maybe 5 years but mostly did them as pretty big favors on pricing. & I’m 10000% sure the ones I did made huge difference. Why I only wanna do few a year at most.
My farms eat me alive but when the right person asks & makes sense- im wondering what a fair deal is?? I don’t want to be in the premium price at all (even though- yes, I can do anything anyone can IMHO
.). Id still want to be more on the “fair to slightly favor” side of pricing. Depending on if I did any work while I was there. 1-2 days & could do some work or show how to do things. Like Tsi - I could mark that in patches or cut a bit. Could cover any other topic known to man…. CRP, screens, farming, soil, tree stands, browse, bedding, anything trees, anything CRP or natives, access, Anything hunting strategy. Anything surrounding topic of mature bucks. Nothing is off table that can’t be made lot better.
What’s ballparks or thoughts for a a guy doing a couple or few a year if I did a few?
Past those few- gladly help anyone out on RIGHT HERE for free
I might do a few a year as folks ask me. Very limited. Just a few. Ive done a few every year for maybe 5 years but mostly did them as pretty big favors on pricing. & I’m 10000% sure the ones I did made huge difference. Why I only wanna do few a year at most.
My farms eat me alive but when the right person asks & makes sense- im wondering what a fair deal is?? I don’t want to be in the premium price at all (even though- yes, I can do anything anyone can IMHO
What’s ballparks or thoughts for a a guy doing a couple or few a year if I did a few?
Past those few- gladly help anyone out on RIGHT HERE for free