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Pa. game warden probing night hunting is killed

1 hour ago
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This undated photo provided by the Pennsylvania State Police shows Christoph...

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GETTYSBURG, Pa. — A game warden investigating possible nighttime hunting and poaching was shot to death, and police took a man with a history of burglary convictions into custody following an 11-hour search.
David Grove, a 31-year-old Pennsylvania Game Commission wildlife conservation officer, was killed Thursday night in Freedom Township, southwest of Gettysburg.
Christopher Lynn Johnson was detained Friday morning in nearby Franklin Township, state police said. Authorities planned an afternoon news conference to discuss the case, but police said they were not searching for anyone else related to the investigation. Police earlier had said the 27-year-old should be considered armed and dangerous.
Grove, of Fairfield, had been investigating reports of nighttime shooting and poaching at the time he was killed, game commission spokesman Jerry Feaser said.
"This was a malicious act," Feaser told The Associated Press. The last time a game commission officer was killed in the line of duty was 1915, he said.
Commission executive director Carl Roe called Grove "a bright, young officer" dedicated to promoting Pennsylvania's hunting heritage.
"Our prayers and thoughts go out to WCO Grove's family and friends, as we mourn the loss of one of our own," he said.
Adams County Coroner Pat Felix said an autopsy was under way to determine the cause and manner of death, but she said it appeared Grove had been shot to death.
Online court records list a Christopher Lynn Johnson with a history of burglary convictions and a 2005 guilty plea to a charge of fleeing an officer and endangering the welfare of children.
Grove graduated from Penn State University in 2004 with a bachelor's degree in wildlife and fisheries science, according to the game commission.
The last game commission officer to be shot and killed in the line of duty was Joseph McHugh in Weatherly, Carbon County, on Nov. 7, 1915.
Heard he was hand cuffed, don't know how but he shot the warden then shot the hand cuffs off? They are seeking the death pentalty.
Hang him high, people like this should not get the privelage to live their life in prison. I personally think they should go back to the old ways and execute people who molest and or kill kids and adults. Hang a few in front of the eyes of the public and word spreads fast and people wont be so damn eager to kill, rape or pilage. I will now step off my soapbox.
It is unreal that this idiot would actually kill someone in reference to a darn deer. I love my hunting and wildlife, but there is no way in gods green earth I would kill someone over a deer. What a loser, and I hope that he burns in Hell!!!!
I agree with pretty much everything said here so far. What a joke that a man has to give his life to protect our natural resources. Shows you just how manly the suspect really is too, not even man enough to accept the consequences of his actions, which likely would have been pretty minimal in the grand scheme of things had it just been for poaching.
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