How would you respond to this (regarding SF 338)??


PMA Member
Just got this email back from a person in the state legislature regarding SF338...

Question is: what is the best way to respond to this email?? I'm glad that I got a response...but just not sure what the best answer is. I wanted to take action, so I sent the emails out and I want to make sure to respond in the right way. If anyone could help me out that is a little more knowledgeable than I, it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance and here is the email:

I understand your concerns at inviting nonresident landowners to sit at the table and vote as these hard decisions are made. At the same time we cannot ignore the ownership of property or property rights in the state.

I would like to suggest possible compromise. Would it be reasonable to bring the nonresident landowners in as “ex officio” members…no voting rights, but still get to be heard. It is possible that agreement with the majority can be reached. I do not support people taking advantage of Iowans’ good will and fair play.

Thanks so much for contacting me on this issue.

Let me guess, from Linda Upmeyer………… /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

Isn't she something, sworn to serve Iowa residents, in bed with non-residents.

I will PM you my response to the above email, I got the same one.



Ron Wyllie
Southwest Iowa IBA Area Representative