PMA Member
Some friends came over last night and I had a few more beers than I should have so I wasn't feeling to chipper this morning. I did haul my but outta bed but didn't feel like walking back in the 1/4 mile to where I had been hunting so I walked up a hill and put up the blind only a couple hundred yards from the truck. Turned out to be a pretty nice setup. Had some gobbles right away, then I think they shutup after fly down. 15 minutes later 9 hens and a gobbler came into the far end of the pasture. The Tom would strut and gobble to my calls but he wasn't about to leave the hens, so I started cutting and yelping hard at the hens hoping they would get pissed enough to come my way. I wish I would have thought to bring the camera cause the Tom hardly came out of strut the next hour and a half as they slowly worked towards me. At 15 yards I smoked the Jellyhead. He ran maybe 10 feet and plopped over. It was my 9th (I think) bird with a bow and the 1st kill with the new General.
25lbs even
1 inch spurs
9 7/8 inch beard
25lbs even
1 inch spurs
9 7/8 inch beard