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hunter shoots dog

I guess you're right Danny.. I never have shot a dog before and I have had many chances.. It would take a lot for me to do it but if it was a reoccurring deal and I was on my last nerve, I really don't know what I would do.. But, I don't really think much of it when someone else does it after the reoccurring aggravation...

Like I said, a guy has to do what he has to do. I've had my chances as well, but some friendly communication has resolved the issues. If it had been reoccurring, who knows, hopefully that day never comes. I just think that both the hunter and he owner need to give the dog a chance.

Why shoot it without using other means of resolution first? Why, if you're the owner, and supposedly love this animal, would you let it happen twice? Sounds like ignorance on all parts...
I have had dogs mess up several hunts over the years but never considered shooting one. The dog has no clue where he is, if anything talk to the owner, but don't shoot the dog. There is no deer, turkey or hunt worth shooting someone's dog.
Why? Things happen. Unlesss you have a fenced in yard, it is nearly impossible to keep a dog completely confined to your yard 100% of the time especially if you live in the country unless it lives on the end of a rope, and in that case why have a dog. They have noses, they follow stuff, they are dogs. Sometimes they get out and get lost and are not meaning to be out there causing problems. The most well trained dog in the county might get a wild hair every now and then and just because you don't know who owns every dog around you'd shoot it?

Who knows what really happened, maybe the dog wasn't chasing the turkeys and the guy just wanted to be an A$$ and shot it anyway, but at what point does the life of a deer or a turkey become more valuable than the dog? They're all just animals right? But it's screwing up your hunt so you'd kill it, that sounds like the right thing to do.

I can see your point.. I'm just not as remorseful.. If it takes putting up a fence to keep a dog confined to your property, then that's the owners responsibility to do so. If you can't afford the resources or take the time to keep the dog confined then you should have no right to even own a dog... This time of year for example, there is a reason that the DNR doesn't allow people to bring dogs to public property.. They harass and chase hens off of their nests.. If I owned my own land and a dog was running around chasing wildlife and I didn't know who's dog it was (could be a stray for all I know). It would get a bullet, or an arrow. Things do happen... I see a dog in a place it shouldn't be. It stimulates an area in my brain and triggers a reaction nerve to my right index finger and the various muscles to ease back on the trigger..... I've been on both sides of this.. When I was younger, our dog got out of yard and went to one of our neighbors. We lived in town. The dog went missing and about 2 or 3 days later, we found her hanging by a noose from a tree with shotgun BB holes in her side about a 1/4 mile from our house. The whole hanging thing was definately way overboard, but hey, we learned to keep our dog on our property, and maybe it was that experience that made me the way I am... I would never torture or do anything like what those people did to our dog, but I will not tolerate someone just letting their dog run around all over the place. Live and Learn
I have been on here before, complaining about dogs runin all over my 40 and chasing deer. Not just one,,but 10!! I don't get angry at the dogs. The owners! It is correct, people should not be owning pets if they don't take proper care of them, and letting them run all over the coutryside is not taking care of them. The owners I deal with actually have the nerve to attack me for even complaining, like their animals have rights to go where they want. This good-ol-days way of looking at dogs will gradually change, as more city people move into the countryside. Farmers all used to just get along, dogs went where they wanted,people hunted where they wanted. Times are different now, but old ways are slow to change. When I came out here and found the lax opinion on dogs loose, I couldn't believe it. Up in MI where I come from, if a dog is chasing game, TheDNR gets into it and if the owner is known, fines are forthcoming and fast. Guess I could never shoot a pet. I have found that well placed gun shots over dogs backs tend to educate them! Most of my dog tresspass has been taken care of this way,,without killing,,but laws need to get up to speed with the times,,in IOWA.
The owners I deal with actually have the nerve to attack me for even complaining, like their animals have rights to go where they want.

Hey, I believe they have relatives that live a couple houses down from me.......SIMPLE:grin:
well, to be honest, i would have no problem pulling the trigger on a stray dog or cat, BUT if i knew whose dog it was I would try to talk about things BEFORE action was taken. If they disregarded what i said and continually let their dog run loose, id say the burden is on the dogs owner....

i really dont know the whole situation, just speculating on what has already been said, but in this case based on what i read here and on IO, responsibiilty lies with the dogs owner IMO.

This guy is an outfitter and makes his living off of hunting, a dog encounter could cost him a client and tip... which is a part of his income... id be pi$$ed too. cant say i disagree totally with his decision
When I was younger, our dog got out of yard and went to one of our neighbors. We lived in town. The dog went missing and about 2 or 3 days later, we found her hanging by a noose from a tree with shotgun BB holes in her side about a 1/4 mile from our house.

God help me no matter what my dog did that SOB would be hog tied and thrown in a well to rot a painful death. Sorry to hear that story man.
one time i went on a walk with my girlfriend and when we walked by this one house a dog came out barking, growling, and showing its teeth. it was running towards us so i put my girl behind me and got ready to give the beast a swift kick while yelling "NO". the dog ended up pulling up short and i never touched it. but then the owner comes out of the house yelling "Hey dont you dare kick my dog you son of a b****" I was astounded that the owner was yelling at me when the dog was still barking and growling at us.

My friend's grandparents own a dog that is very mean. When my friend was only 12 years old this dog escaped from the house when his grandma opened the door and it bit my friend right on the leg leaving a massive bruise and 4 punctures. It bit both his uncles as well. After all that, the dog tried to bite my friends dad but his dad just punched it right in the face as hard as he could. the Grandma was furious at her son for punching the dog. the still have the dog and my friend has only visited his grandma a handful of times since then. it has ruined many relationships.

the fact is that people become so close to their dog that they are unaware how it treats other people.

I dont like a dog that thinks he can do whatever he wants.
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i told a neighbor that his dogs were out running all over the place. he told me "yeah, they chase coyotes". right then, i knew there was no reaching him. a dog out chasing, will chase anything. i just figured their time would come. i did have the opportunity, i saw them hunting a ditch 3/4 mile from their home. i threw a few .357 rounds over their heads, i wasn't real confident on getting a killing shot, and i didn't want to send a wounded dog home. i've known the guy since high school, and really didn't want to smoke his dogs. he is moving soon, so hopefully the problem will solve itself before i solve it. but, if they are out and about, and give me a clean shot.........
Pets to some people are like thier kids. I have seen,,"My Kid could do no wrong", too. When I walk down back roads I always carry a stout walking stick with a metal end on it. Just about every farm, and yard has a dog that comes running out at you. It always gets me,,the Owners if around, most often are yelling their heads off at the dog to come, and their pets could care less. Another great owner line,,with the dog snarling, and baring it's teeth is,,"Oh,,he won't hurt you", Yea,,right,,but if he comes any closer,,this pole will be down his throat!!
I feel bad for the dog and the landowner, but we should not have to deal with having dogs running wild ruining the hunting. We have had similar situations on public ground where neighboring landowners' dogs are running deer during bow season. I didn't take a week of vacation to have a herd of deer chased away because someone isn't takiing care of their animal. Keep the animals under control and there will not be a problem.
i think some people need to take a look at themselves and revue their morals. last time i checked there was nothing in regs. that said dogs were legal to shoot if they were runnin on someones land. that guy needs his nuts in a vise. alot of people think of their dog as family so i guess the next time someone tresspasses on my huntin ground i should shoot them cause they were runnin off my game. that would be ok right?
i think some people need to take a look at themselves and revue their morals. last time i checked there was nothing in regs. that said dogs were legal to shoot if they were runnin on someones land. that guy needs his nuts in a vise. alot of people think of their dog as family so i guess the next time someone tresspasses on my huntin ground i should shoot them cause they were runnin off my game. that would be ok right?

YES!! YES!! YES!! It would. That's a prime example cause you are right, there is nothing in the regs. saying humans are legal to shoot if they are on your land chasing ducks either.

Since my dog was family I made sure she wasn't in that situation.
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Sounds like an overall bad situation, if you ask me. There are a lot of different scenarios and facts that may or may not be included in this story. At any rate, I've had the opportunity to shoot dogs before and passed them up. There were even a few of those I probably should have shot. That being said, I would have to be IN the situation before I could say one way or another whether I'd pull the trigger or not. It's easy to sit back and "Monday morning quarterback" someone and a situation that has nothing to do with any of us.

Whether it's a free-ranging stray dog or someone's pet shouldn't really matter if it's running game on someone else's land. At that point, whether it's a pet or not isn't really the issue ... it's whether the animal is a nuisance. Period. Was the owner accountable and responsible for their animal's actions? It sounds like they don't want to step up to the plate to me.

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