Several ideas come to mind. As much as I hate the government telling us what to do, let’s say they do aerial/road counts of deer in a certain area. They notify the land owner(s) that he needs to thin the heard or face losing some federal/state money. The next year the counts remain the same or go up. He is either penalized or he can allow hunters to help thin his herd. Third year, counts remain the same or go up, he loses money and is strongly urged to open his land. I don’t know what the end point would be, some land owners would rather pay the penalties than allow hunting.
Unfortunately the land owner would say “OK, give me tags for free that I can sell to NR hunters” so that idea isn’t so good.
Another one, if somebody wants to lease their land for hunting, they have to notify the DNR, who would then do a survey, tell them how many deer need to be harvested, the land owner would pay for the survey. The next year the DNR would do a follow up survey, if the number was too high they would request the land owner to request the lessee kill more deer. The down side of this one is the same as the first.
If the land owner can prove that he made a good faith effort to kill more deer but weather or some other problem prohibited the take of their quota no punishment would be levied.
Maybe the best idea would be to offer tax breaks or incentives of some kind for the land owners to open their land to hunting. I think this is already being done in other states, one of the Dakotas maybe?
Just some quick thoughts, none that are really workable except the last one.
The ‘Bonker