We hunted near Freer Texas which is just north of Laredo a few years ago. I can tell you first hand that it is a rifle hunters paradise. With one hunting liscense you can kill something like 5 deer 3 turkeys, unlimited hogs and javelina, and the coyotes and bobcat are thick. We spent 6 days down there hunting on a friends lease and it was a blast. We killed 4 whitetails between 3 guys, but the last 4 days of the hunt were basically spent shooting pigs and coyotes. It is a riot and I would highly recommend it. You will see more game in 5 days in Texas than you will in a season some places. Also it's legal to shoot pigs at night down there, so after dinner we would drive around the sendero's with a spotlight and shoot pigs and yotes, just doesn't seem right, but it is a good time! Hope you get a chance to go. BTW the wingshooting is pretty awesome as well.