That was a good listen. I'm curious, you talk about other states legislators contacting you. Do you think there is a real chance for some lackluster states to make appreciable change? As in the wheels are in motion?
100%!!!! Other states can change!!!
So- here’s the big revelation…. All these legislatures In our state & others…. For whatever reason…. They are lacking for information & credible sources!!!! They often don’t know a thing. Or the few folks they talk to have weirdo ideas or not practical. What I’m saying is this: if normal hunters with well thought out ideas contacts them- they will listen. They want to learn. Many of them. Here’s a common complaint of past “we hear from a few angry farmers but not hunters!” Or “this lobbyist or that one”. We have a HUGE opportunity here!!!! If this dumb dumb (me) can talk to them…. A gazillion other folks can. And some do. We need way more (in all states) & they need to start an organization like IBA!!!!!
-Form simple Non profit sportsman’s org.
-simple bullet point list of offensive goals & have them for defense as well.
-get dudes to fund. 30-40 guys x $1,000 a year. Or get 500 guys x less. Or go fund me. Or million other ways!! LOBBYIST HIRED with that.
-organize & execute.
-use social media, email, websites, etc etc to get more on board & folks writing in to legislators.
-do it before “bad bill season” hits too!!! Drop off some letters & meet with folks!!! Educate them!! Tell em what’s about to come. Etc.
Absolutely can happen & work.